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St Edward's Catholic Primary School

Term 4

Below is this term's topic leaflet detailing the exciting learning taking place in Year 1 this term along with key dates.

Term 4 home learning is attached below, bring learning in once completed so we can display in our classroom. We look forward to receiving your child's work.


Thursday 7th March - World Book Day

Today we celebrated World Book Day and came to school dressed as a book character as well as bringing our favourite book to school.

Year 1 came dressed as characters from traditional tales, fairytales, comic books, and well-loved stories to show their love for reading.

We created a poster using Dr Dog's advice and became illustrators as we designed alternative front covers for the class text.

In the afternoon we got to share some of our favourite books before taking part in a reading roundabout where we visited Year 3, EYFS and Year 2 to listen to stories and enjoy reading activities.

British Science Week Friday 8th March - Sunday 17th March

The theme for British Science Week this year was time. We learned about light and shadows, and observed how they moved over time. We found out how you can tell the time with shadows.

We joined schools within the trust for the KCSP Science Day and experimented with apples. We were tasked with trying to stop an apple from going brown using simple equipment including different liquids. We found out that lemon juice and vinegar were the best liquid to keep the apple from turning brown.

Later on in British Science Week, we visited a farm virtually and learned about animals that live there. We recapped our mammals knowledge as well as being reminded of classifying animals by according to what they  eat. We saw lot of lambs that were extremely cute; one was just 2 hours old!

Palm Sunday

We learned about Jesus's entry into Jerusalem and how people reacted to Him. We made palm leaves and imitated this Bible story.

Jesus Enters Jerusalem

Still image for this video
Imitating Palm Sunday

Jesus enters Jerusalem

Still image for this video
Imitating Palm Sunday

Celebrating Easter in Year 1

Year 1 celebrated all things Easter in the final week of March. Festivities included an Easter Bonnet Parade, Easter egg hunt, Making Easter nest cakes in DT and Science, and crafting Easter cards with a joyful message.

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Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership is an exempt charity and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales under company registration number 08176019 at registered address Barham Court, Teston, Kent, ME18 5BZ. St Edward's Catholic Primary School is a business name of Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership.
