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St Edward's Catholic Primary School

Term 3

Read our star poems this term!


Star poem 1:

The Canadian flag swishes perfectly in the calm, controlled wind,

The royal ravishing red and white clouds so admirable like a holy hymn.

The bright fluffy clouds float high in the sky, 

Like diamonds twinkling in the night.


The pointy majestic mountains are amazing and tall, 

Like a dream, it looks like it is going to fall.

The perfect controlled trees are reflecting the sun,

It looks like it is having lots of fun.


As the amazing wind blows, I say "off you go,"

The proud deer ran fast as an unfamiliar predator controls the sky. 

The deer is running like a rolling dice, and like amazing deer,

we all cheer. 


Star poem 2:

The Canadian flag waves innocently, 

The cotton candy clouds are breezy.

The bright blue sky, 

Shines bright in less than a fortnight.


The snowy mountains peak, tall and high,

Snow slides down heaving a big sigh.

The mountains overlap each other, 

The mountains are cold as the snow caves one another.


Deer gallop majestically, 

What a wonderful view you'd see.

The day goes by, 

As the deer jump almost as high as the sky.

NSPCC Number Day Times Tables Flowers

Weeks 4 and 5


Whilst learning how to conduct a fair test in Science, we created egg protecting devices in groups and tested them to see if our eggs would crack! This was very fun. We looked at things such as what materials we will need to use to create our egg protecting devices, and after testing them what would we keep the same/change next time?

All of our eggs cracked, but one still had the yolk inside! It certainly seems like we had a winner.


In English, we have been writing rhyming poetry following the AABB rhyming pattern. We have researched North America in Geography and used this knowledge to base our poems on North America! We have come up with rhyming couplets, noun phrases and even started writing our own Stanzas! In week 6, we are excited for our adults to come and read our poems.


In Art, we have started making our teepees using our running stitches and over stitches. We feel confident in using these now and our teepees will be completed in term 6. We are very excited to take them home to share with our adults. We hope to add some pictures in week 6 of our lovely creations.


It was number day on Friday 2nd February 2024! We had lots of fun learning happening today with relation to mathematics. We had to crack a top secret code to help a detective with his quest, and we also recapped some prior learning from terms 1 and 2. It has been a number filled day and we loved showing others our number tops, of which we had a show and tell at the end of the day. We sang the number song in French, and even took part in the Times Tables Rockstars competition on the tablets! You can see some of our learning in the images above, as we made times tables flowers. The flower has the times table number in the middle, the number which it is multiplied by on the petals, and the answers on the petals underneath! We are excited for you to see these on our end of term celebration board when you visit us on Friday 9th February 2024.

Egg Protecting Devices



In week 3 we have had many exciting opportunities. Five of our year 3 children attended the Oasis Academy for a multi-sports competition! They did very well in this as they powered through 12 different sports... we know how tired they were after! All five children had a lot of fun in this opportunity and were able to develop their gross motor skills. A certificate was awarded to each child who attended in our Friday celebration assembly, to celebrate their hard work and success!


In art we have been practicing the running stitch. As seen in the images below, our children in year 3 worked very hard to practice this technique, and one even made their own purse using this stitch at home! They brought it in for show and tell, and the whole class was very impressed.


In English, we are continuing writing our portal story. Children are now beginning to write their final piece and we are excited to read their stories when finished. Children will have an opportunity to read their story to the class if they wish, and this is a great way for us to celebrate our learning!


In Maths, we are soon to move to our new unit as we are near the end of multiplication and division. In the third week, we have been consolidating learning and addressing any misconceptions that the children may have in multiplication and division. We learnt about the relationship triangle and linked this to prior learning, we are excited to use the relationship triangle to practice writing multiple number sentences for just three numbers.


In French, we are continuing to learn the instruments. We are going to be linking this to our music lessons. In Music, we listen to and appraise different styles of music. Included in this is listening to what instruments we can hear, so using our French for this is fun! We will continue to practice this!


In PE, we have been developing our skills in cup stacking. We started by practicing the 3 3 3 stack, and later moved on to the 3 6 3 stack. Now, we are thinking about getting a little more advanced! Our in-class competitions have been a lot of fun, and it is great to see that our cup stacking skills and techniques are rapidly improving.




Multi-sports at Oasis Academy

Running Stitch

Welcome back to another term with year 3! We hope everyone had a rested half term, and now we are back and ready to learn!


In English, we have been reading 'The Tunnel' by Anthony Browne. This is an exciting story about a brother and sister who discover a tunnel, the tunnel is a portal for a world different to theirs. We are writing our own portal story, where our character's embark on an adventure beyond the portal. We created a writing tool kit to support our writing, this can be seen in the image below.


In Maths, we are continuing our multiplication and division unit where we are partitioning and sharing numbers. We have two weeks left of this and we are excited for the learning to come! We are able to use our new knowledge when sharing sweets with our friends!


In Art, we are learning how to sew. We have been learning how to thread a needle, and we have also been practicing the running stitch. We have three different stitches that we are going to be practicing this term. The goal is to create a North American style teepee at the end of the term. We are excited to make this happen!


In PE, we are continuing to develop our balance and coordination through the REALGYM unit of work. We are going to be learning many different movements, high and low, to develop our skills! 


You will see lots of images on this page that will show you our learning this term! We hope you check in each week to see our new learning every week. 

Our portal story writing tool kit

Threading a needle

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Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership is an exempt charity and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales under company registration number 08176019 at registered address Barham Court, Teston, Kent, ME18 5BZ. St Edward's Catholic Primary School is a business name of Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership.
