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- St. Edward's Denominational Inspection Report: March 2020 8th April 2020
- When I can't get to Church 24th March 2020
Calendar Dates
- Swimming - Year 5 11th February 2025
- Parent's evening 12th February 2025 at 15:30
Welcome to Term 5!
This term Year 4 will be participating in the Read Write Inc spelling program. Below are the spellings for children to access at home for practice. Spellings tests will start from 28/4 and will be weekly on a Friday. Get testing parents! This will help greatly with their writing skills going forward.
This Term Year 4 will be challenging each other and Mr Armstrong to see who can be the top Rockstar!
Pupils all have their log in information and need to be having a go 3 times a week.
Times tables are vital for Maths and help the children to engage in their lessons so much better.
Please support your child to achieve and we can't wait to see all the names move up the leader board soon!
This week children have been looking at where we are in the world and where Germany and Argentina are in comparison to us. They have put their exploring caps on and used their Atlas to find out which continent each country is in, what oceans surround them and which hemisphere they are in.
Year 4 love a good PE lesson and this week really was! All engaged in some challenging ball games and took great pleasure in trying to outwit their class mates to win.
In term 5, year 4 will be looking at narratives and how to create their own. They will be taking inspiration from the our class story.
In French this term we are going to be looking at clothing. Week 1 saw the children introduced to some of the names and new vocabulary. They did a fabulous job completing their French crossword. Tres Bien!
This week in RE we leant about Peter and how he became the first Pope. Some of our children took turns to be Peter in our afternoon Hot Seat and the class came up with some wonderful questions to ask. Great thinking year 4!
Finally for this week, we want to say a HUGE congratulations to some of our wonderful class for taking part in their first Holy Communion. We wish you all the best at the start of your journey with God.
Week Beginning 24/4/23
What fun we have had this week year 4! From frogs in Maths to drama in out Narratives! You have all done so well.
This week we have been looking at subtraction and using different strategies to cement our understanding. The children have worked hard counting on to the nearest 10s and 100s and seemed to really enjoy using expanding their calculations. This broadened their knowledge of exchanging.
This week in RE we leant about Pentecost. The class thought about what questions they would like to ask Jesus. We enjoyed leaning about all the different key vocabulary associated with Pentecost and making their own dictionary to help them to remember. The class also came up with some wonderful ideas on how Jesus' light can shine through them.
PE this week, year 4 were finally able to get back outside in the fresh air! YAY! They loved practicing their relay skills and then had a go at some precision ball passing by playing a new game.
This week saw this children using their Narrative plans to write their stories. I am very much looking forward to sharing their wonderful ideas. The children have listened carefully and included many of their spellings, fronted adverbials and even had a go at using ellipsis for dramatic effect.
World Daily Mile 27.4.23
Year 4 took part in a special event this week. We joined thousands of other schools and early years settings around the world to celebrate World Daily Mile Day. Year 4 had a good go at running, walking, jogging and skipping 6 times around the playground and field to complete their mile. I know that some of the class will have slept very well last night after their tremendous effort. Well done!
Taking inspiration from Michaelangelo, Year 4 drew a range of natural objects. They used line, shape, texture and pattern to capture the 'life' in the object.
Here are a few of the wonderful pictures that were created by Year 4 budding artists.
In Science this week the children started looking at forces and asked questions about what they would like to know in the future. We saw which kind of forces there were and how they effect everyday life.
Well done to all our children this week. As you can see they have all produced some wonderful work. Our first spellings test went very well. Thank you to all parents for your support (we know it was a little confusing). We cant wait for the King's Coronation week and all the fun that will be had.
See you all Tuesday! :)
What an EXCITING two weeks we have had!
Last week, Year 4 did some amazing narrative work and have copied their drafts neatly, including their corrections. We cant wait to see their adventure stories on display.
This week in English the children have been looking at a new short burst write. Spag lessons have allowed year 4 to improve their work with Prepositonal Phrases and Parenthasis.
In ICT the children are being very loud and creating beautiful music. Using Purple Mash the class has sequenced their sounds to make a tune. They have then been brave enough to share their work with their classmates. We love making lots of noise... I'm not so sure all the classes near us do.
Year 4 have been working hard looking at their multiplication and division. We have tried to use a variety of different methods to help along the way. Children have been exploring ladder method to give them a better understanding of partitioning a number. We have looked at the patterns in multiplication and division and how we can use the facts we know to help.
We Loved the King's Coronation Celebration! Here are some of the entries we had for the Poster Competition in Year 4. Fantastic effort from the class and I'm sure his Majesty would love them as much as we do.
Year 4 took part in making their own crown to celebrate with King Charles III on this most special occasion. We sang a very special song as a whole school to welcome our new king and had a MASSIVE conga Line round the field because....... well why ever not? Thank you to Mrs Palmer for leading the children in a crazy long game of snake.
The weather was beautiful for our picnic in the playground! Thank you to all the parents for their kind food donations. The class were so excited! It was such a happy afternoon seeing so many of you come to the school to celebrate with us and made the day all the more special for the children!
Moving on with our drawing topic the children have been focusing on developing more detail in their art work. We looked the the Iris this week and how we can draw step by step to include patterns and show variations. The class were let loose with the special sketching pencils and put in amazing effort to create these beautiful pieces of work!
What are the different parts of a river?
Year 4 were tasked with finding out.
Who knew there were so many?
The children have been thinking about where the big cities are in relation to the rivers and why that may be. They also found out what the different parts of a river are and thought about definitions. Geography has been a busy one this week.
PE this week was back in the glorious sunshine! Getting outside to enjoy our Real Gym sessions has been one of the class' favourite parts of the week. As a warm up the children practiced their relay skills and challenged their peers. Keep possession saw the class work on their agility and improve their reaction and response times.
This week in RE the children followed the journey that Paul took across Europe spreading the word of the Lord. They thought hard about how he would have felt, what dangers he faced and how his love and belief in Jesus will have guided him.
In Geography this week, the class have looked at all the different ways rivers are used by humans. From feeding cattle and watering crops to cooling power plants. They then designed their own wheel to spin and remind them of what we learnt.
Year 4 have been working competitively to create their own relay games using different body movements. They enjoyed being outside in the sun and challenging their classmates in a sporting and friendly way. Well done year 4 for developing your coordination, movement and team-building skills.
This week in year 4, the class has put their knowledge of les vetements to the test and gone head-to-head if friendly competition to see who the champion of vocab is. Well done to everyone for having a go. We had a lot of fun cheering each other on but ultimately well done to Jan for the highest score! Amazing work!
English - This week the class finished editing their recount work and have worked so hard getting them all written up. Some amazing pieces all focused around our class text - The Land of Roar. Their use of expanded noun phrases, parenthesis, prepositional phrases and subordinate clauses has come a long way this term.
In Art this term, year 4 have looked at natural and more realistic drawing. They have studied the different areas of the eyes and gained skills in hatching, shading, detail, sketching and using different mediums to create. This week they put all their knowledge together to create their final piece. Amazing work year 4 we are very impressed.
And so we have come to the end of term 5! I know all the children are looking forward to a well earned break (I'd be fibbing if I said the staff weren't too). Unfortunately we say a fond "Goodbye" to Mr Armstrong as he will not be returning in term 6. We thank him very much for the last 3 months and all the very hard work he has put in. From all in Year 4 we wish you all the best in your next class.
Have a wonderful half term! Myself (Miss Pollard) and Miss Wakefield can't wait to hear all about it when you come back!! :)