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- Swimming - Year 5 28th January 2025
- Swimming - Year 5 4th February 2025
Welcome Back Year 4!
Here we are at term 6 already! We hope you all had a wonderful half term, full of fun!
There is so much going on in term 6 we barely know where to begin!
Lets start with spellings for the whole term.
Our class text this term is The One and Only Ivan by Katherine Applegate.
In English, the children have been planning a persuasive letter. They are using their skills to argue either for animals to be left in the circus or if they should be released back into the wild. Each child has made their own choice on for or against.
Year 4 have now finished reading The One and Only Ivan and each pupil has given their opinion on how they felt about the story and if they would read it again. It has been quite a thought provoking tale and a lot of the class have said that the story made them both happy and sad.
In term 6, year 4 are looking at sculpture. We are looking at one particular artist who specializes in abstract sculpture, Barbara Hepworth.
This week the class have looked at what landscapes inspired our artist and what sculptures she has created. They tried to see if they could match her pieces and the landscapes that they were shown. They explained why they thought they may go together. Year 4 then went on to choose a landscape that they liked the most and drew their own design for a piece of abstract art inspired by it.
Maths this week is focused around times tables as the children have their test. We are using games and TT Rockstars and practice tests to get them all ready. The class have done so well improving their scores so far. Keep up the good work!
This week in PE we have been practicing our relay and running skills in preparation for sports day. We all now know our teams and did an excellent job of cheering on and supporting our peers practicing to cheer the loudest on the day too!
Times Table Test
Well done year 4 for your times tables test this week. You have all worked so hard to achieve the scores that you got and Miss Pollard, Miss Lewis and Miss Wakefield are all very proud of you. Fantastic effort!!
In science this week the children have learnt about climate change an global warming. Our experiment was to show what the greenhouse effect is doing to temperatures around the world. The class also explored what climate change is doing to our natural environments and how animals habitats have been effected too.
What a start to week 3! Year 4 visited Howletts Wild Animal Park and had an amazing day learning about animals and their habitats. The class were treated to a Big Cat talk and a Rhino talk by one of the lovely keepers. This helped with our Science topic and the children's understanding of adaptation and natural behaviors. The class were also able to think about the animals in captivity and link it to our class story, The One and Only Ivan, to be able to ask some excellent questions. Well done Year 4 we are very proud of how you all behaved and represented the school. Everyone enjoyed the trip and the day in the sunshine very much.
Year 4 have had the absolute pleasure this week of welcoming some of the year 13s from Oasis Academy for a dance workshop. We had fun learning some new steps to our favourite Disney songs. Even the teachers had a go (no laughing). Thank you to Oasis Academy for coming and showing us the joy of dance and for teaching it so well. We hope that you will come back soon so that we can sing along to Moana again.
In PE, we have practiced all our sports day activities now ready to do our best (apart from the water run, however much we really wanted it in the sun). We cant wait to show you all on 29.6!
This week year 4 have been looking at positive and negative numbers. We have worked out where numbers on a thermometer would go and then tried to work out what the difference is between positive and negative numbers is.
We also had a good look at Roman Numerals and thought about where we might see them. The children came up with on a clock, in a book to number chapters, for the King and on a timeline as places we may encounter them.
This week our SPAG lesson has been on preposition. The class were given a picture and thought about what actions they could include, what description they wanted and what prepositions are. Some of the students shared their short stories with the class.
This week we have leant about deforestation, urbanisation, global warming and nature reserves. We looked at the human effect on the planet and how we can prevent any further damage. The class then split into groups and created their own poster to raise awareness to others.
Here are some of the examples of our wonderful short stories. Well done to all there was some excellent use of language, great vocabulary and beautifully presented and edited ideas.
Welcome to week 4!
It's finally here! Sports day on Friday 30th June 2023 and we are so ready to try our best and have lots of fun!
We cant wait to see you all in non-uniform Friday 7th June too for Fill-a-jar day. Bring in a filled jar and wear what you would like (school appropriate)! We have so many amazing lessons happening this week. Year 4 are really enjoying sculpting and will be looking at how to create a soap sculpture. In English we have started our recount. We are retelling our day at the zoo! And in History we took a good long look at Henry VIII and his despicable behaviour and how he changed our country forever.
In Maths this week year 4 have been looking at column subtraction. We had a lesson supported by using the deannes so that the class could physically see the exchange happening. We have also looked at different techniques such as expanding sum subtraction and frog leaping to help children to best choose the method they feel works for them.
This week we have perfected our hurdle jumping (making sure we jump carefully and don't go flying). Tunnel ball was a lot of fun and we all had a giggle watching some of our class mates wobble off the space hoppers. We have practiced our relay running and now have the knack of passing the baton without the silly thing slipping out of our hands and running off. We all showed fantastic teamwork practicing tunnel ball and are sure you will all be impressed with our communication skills.
Here are 2 of the pages from our lovely RE floor book. Our lesson today was all about the Ascention from Purgatory to Heaven. The children have designed their own artistic interpretation of this. Well done Year 4 some beautiful work!
During our Art lesson this week we looked at our artist Barbara Hempworth and all the things that inspired her to sculpt. We also watched videos on soap sculpture as we are going to make our own next lesson. Once we had finished, Year 4 finished off making their gorgeous dreamcatchers ready to sell at the summer fair on 7th July.
What an AMAZING finish to the week. Well done Year 4 on your awesome effort during sports day! You all gave it your all and we are so proud of the class! Year 4 showed amazing teamwork, listening, caring, and that we can all have fun and we hope all the grown ups enjoyed coming to watch.
Special well done to GREEN TEAM who came first over all!
The class started this topic by checking their ruler skills and ensuring that they were able to measure accurately in centimetres and millimetres. Once all children were happy with measuring year 4 then looked at how to convert millimetres to centimetres and centimetres to metres. Its been a very busy week and the class have all tried very hard.
In PE, Year 4 had a go at a new twist on an old classic game. They played football rounders and worked on their team building, communication and coordination skills.
RE this week saw the children work in groups to think about the message sent out by Pope John Paul II and how best they could show this in their every day lives. They came up with some fantastic ideas for the class floor book.
In Art this week year 4 have had a go at abstract sculpture. In pairs the children took their inspiration from Barbara Hempworth and landscapes that they enjoy to create. Each pair worked beautifully and we are very impressed with the work produced. Well Done All!
Well done to all the children in the class that have scored 100% attendance for the WHOLE year! What a fantastic achievement. As a reward on 6.7.23 these children were out of class all morning enjoying inflatables and eating free ice cream! What an amazing treat!!
Year 4 got to join them for 10 minutes on the inflatables as a little treat for all their hard work this term. Even teachers got to have some fun! What a fun day.
So here we are year 4! The last full week of the year! How did that happen already?
Firstly, THANK YOU to all the parents who joined us for the summer fete on Friday. It was a warm one but full of fun!
This week is pretty much a normal week right up until Transition Day on Friday. We hope all of year 4 have a fab time with their new teachers and parents will have the opportunity to have a chat with new teachers after school.