RE - Year 5 are currently learning about the Creation story. We discussed being stewards of the earth and looking after our community. Some of the discussion were AMAZING!
Computing (Purple Mash) - Year 5 have completed their first lesson of Coding using the useful tool, 2Code. They created different sets of instructions to enable different objects (from fish to footballs) to move.
As a Year 5 transition activity, the children enjoyed using a part of their body to create a wonderful display around our school values: Kindness, Trust, Forgiveness, Respect, Love and Achieve
Through the 2021/22 Academic Year, Year 5 will be taught by Mr Tickner and Mrs Price. They will also be joined by Mrs Ware and Mrs Kempton.
If you need to talk to us, please approach either Mr Tickner or Mrs Price at the end of the school day or e-mail us:
To celebrate the end of the year, year 5 have been discussing what they do to relax. One of our children explained how he makes pillows. We were then very lucky that he brought one in to show us. What fantastic skill, well done!
Wow, what a fun day we had! As a fantastic end of term treat, we had inflatables to play on for our play time today. As you can see from our photos, we had a brilliant time.
On Sunday 11th July, 5 of us took Holy Communion at a special mass in church for the first time. We celebrated this in school today with a special assembly that our catechists attended. Don't we look great in our posh clothes for this special occasion?
On Friday 9th July, we celebrated the NHS's birthday by having a rainbow day. We thoroughly enjoyed dressing in the brightest colours we could!
Also on Friday 9th July 2021, we celebrated England reaching the final of the Euros Football Tournament. We played Beat the Goalie against Mr. Fitzpatrick, we knocked down England players skittles, we made England flags to help us watch the final, we threw balls at a target and played a game of football. We had a thoroughly enjoyable afternoon in the sunshine.
Even Bryn the dog enjoyed ice-cream day!
Wow, we were so lucky! The children of St. Edward's had a really yummy afternoon on Wednesday, being bought an ice cream each from the ice-cream van!
Each one of us could order our own ice-cream or ice lolly: we really enjoyed them, they were tasty!
On Tuesday, year 5 continued their Linking journey with St. Peter's in Sittingbourne. We created "curiosity heads" containing all the questions we wanted to find out about our linking partners.
Now, we will wait for St. Peter's to send them back with their answers - we can't wait to find out!
Year 5 had a fantastic Sports Day on Monday 5th July: the sun shined and great fun was had by all. Everyone got to participate in 6 different activities: running, egg and spoon, throw a ball in a box, long jump, water fill challenge and javelin. We then lined up to watch the parents racing: these were most definitely the funniest of the day!
Wow, what fun! Year 5 really enjoyed the Treasure Island Performance that we watched today! It was very funny.
On Tuesday, year 5 were looking at similarities and differences between the people who make up our community. We enjoyed knowing that our linking class at St Peter's were doing the same thing at the same time.
Year 5 really enjoyed writing poetry on Monday: look at some of our amazing poems about some difficult pictures!
We have really enjoyed our Linking Network lesson with St. Peter's this week: we thought about what makes us ourselves then created images to show this.
Miss Springhall visited us again this week, to help us continue our learning around area.
This week for our Linking Network session, we thought about being together. We wrote poems to share with St. Peter's and Mrs. Rowse created a display out of their work and ours, all linked together.
Year 5 have been investigating what makes a fair test: our hypothesis was that absolutely everything had to be the same.
We discovered that actually, to get a result and to be able to draw a conclusion, we needed just 1 variable to change. This way, we knew whether that variable created the effect we were looking for.
On Friday, we had a visit from Miss. Springhall from Highsted School, in Sittingbourne. She is going to be working with us over the next few weeks to teach us about area; we will also be looking at discussing how this leads to floor plans for buildings.
We've had great fun this week, getting out in the sunshine and learning a bit more about each other.
We have started an exciting new project this term: The Linking Network. We will be linking with year 5 at St Peter's in Sittingbourne, sharing work and getting to know the children a little bit better using video calls.
Here are some of our "hello" messages that we sent over.
Wow, what a busy return to school we have had after half term! At the beginning of the week, we were learning a new story called Voices in the Park: if you ask us, we can re-tell it to you with actions!
Recently, year 5 have been isolating. Take a look at our amazing posts on Seesaw below.
Year 5 have had great fun investigating tenths and and hundredths today. We had 1 lump of Play-doh which we split into 10 equal size pieces to make tenths. We then split each of those tenths into ten, giving us 100 pieces: this is how hundredths are made! 1 piece, split into 100 equal pieces; each piece is written as 0.01
Year 5 had a great time for Number Day today. We wore our own clothes and linked them to number; we put together Buddy's key from the NSPCC (which only took us 23 minutes and 34 seconds!); worked as a team to think mathematically (ask us about the sides of a dice - we got very frustrated about this, but figured it out eventually!); and investigated prime numbers before finding them on the field.
A fun, fantastic day was had by all.
Year 5 have been learning how to find specific scripture references; we also learnt about Doubting Thomas, acting out the scripture and thinking about the significance of it.
Year 5 have been learning to re-tell a story using actions to help us remember.
To support us in making in our school beautiful, we asked for photographs of our children's sporting achievements and you didn't disappoint!
A video to share with all my friends at St Edwards
Today, I would like to share a video of Jack playing a song that he leant on his drum kit. We are all really proud of you and I know that everyone watching this video, will give you a big clap at the end. Amazing work.
2020-2021 - St Teresa's Year 5 Class is taught by Mr Tickner and Miss Lewis. All home learning will be sent from the email:
Outdoor Learning Week - In science, Year 5 had a discussion about Solids, Liquids and Gases. They used chalks to create a diagram to show the differences for each.
In ICT, Year 5 have just begun the exciting new computing programme called Purple Mash. All the children have loved getting stuck in!
In PE, Year 5 are learning new skills of movement and balancing through a warm up game of 'Hi Baby' followed by a fun and exciting game of 'Hand Tennis'. Year 5 certainly do have some competitive pupils!
In Art, Year 5 have been studying Food Technology. Recently, the children have been looking at the dangers and safety precautions that are in place within the kitchen. This week, Year 5 made a lovely vegetable soup. It tasted scrumptious!
Science Investigation Day - Year 5 were getting ready for the arrival of St. Peters on Wednesday morning. We researched the purpose of a compass and why 'The compass always points North'. The children really enjoyed building their own compasses out of everyday materials.
As they always do, Year 5 from St Edwards put on an amazing show at the Dementia Cafe. This event is regularly run termly at the Oasis Academy, Sheerness.
In Science, Year 5 are looking at Animal including the Human Body. The children worked in groups to group up different child development statement. Year 5 absolutely loved it but some of their statements were a long way out. 'Learning to ride a bike' - 1-2 years old.
On Shrove Tuesday, Year 5 discussed why Shrove Tuesday is an important time of the year. They also had the task to decorate their pancakes using a mixture of different topics. You can see by their faces that they loved this activity and wished it was every Tuesday!
Asia Food Tasting - After learning about Asia in Term 3, Year 5 were able to liven up their taste buds by tasting a variety of Asian foods.
This week, Year 5 have been using their mathematical brains to convert different imperial and metric units. Today, St.Teresa Class completed an investigation where they were measuring different objects from around the classroom using CM. They challenged themselves by converting the measurement into metres.
Maths Week - On Tuesday, the Year 5 children were trying out and playing their games ahead of the Maths Week Game Day tomorrow. Every game in the classroom looked fantastic and so much fun!
Maths Week - The Year 5 pupils have begun to create their challenging games, ready for the Year 6 children on Wednesday morning.
The Hobbit Themed Week - Year 5 used a scene from the beginning of the book (When Gandalf met Bilbo) to write dialogue and act out the part using drama.
Dementia Cafe: Year 5 were so proud to sing for the ladies and gentlemen
Our Lady of Walsingham Display
In PSHE, Year 5 have been learning about how to stay fit and healthy on a daily basis. In groups, the children created an Exercise Plan that they will use daily to keep fit. We trialed our first day on our Class Exercise plan and they loved it!
Outdoor Week - In RE, Year 5 have been learning about the Creation of the World. We had a great discussion about suffering and how the children have helped someone in need. They wanted to show some of their thoughts through Drama.
In RE, Y5 have been writing prayers inspired by the beauty of nature.
St. Teresa's Hall Display 2019
Please look below to see the amazing learning Year 5 did last year....
Picnic and Praise: 25th June 2019
Bees and Butterflies: Year 5 are studying why there is a decrease in the bee and butterfly populations in the UK.
Sheppey FM 92.2: We were invited to speak on the radio. The children talked about their project, designing and writing a newspaper all about Bluetown and Sheerness.
Urban Detectives: Art on the Beach
Urban Detectives: Newspaper project
Year 5 performed The Passion, liturgical dance at school for the parents and at Mass at the end of term in Church. We are so proud of their enthusiasm and respect for the dance.
Year 5 enjoyed planning, making and eating pizzas in their DT lesson!
Year 5 love playing on the new playground equipment!
Year 5 learnt about the 5 Ks of Sikhism and what the Sikh symbols represent.
3D shapes: Year 5 were challenged to make nets of 3D shapes
World Book Day: Year 5 had great fun reading around the school ... wherever they could!
Ash Wednesday. The children attended Mass at SS Henry and Elizabeth Church. They were so well behaved and great ambassadors for the school.
Design and Technology: The children had great fun planning healthy sandwiches, making them and (best of all) eating them! The most exciting sandwich was: bread, banana, tuna, ham, egg, mayonnaise and butter... all in one sandwich!
Chinese New Year: Year 5 celebrated the Chinese New Year with a chop sticks eating competition, painting in Chinese lettering and making elaborate paper clothes as gifts.
Year attended mass at Church with the parish on 30th January
Year 5 recreate Katie Paterson art work: from stones, shells, seaweed and drift wood found at the Beach
SNOW & ICE DAY, 9th January. The children learnt about negative numbers and the properties of Ice. The children enjoyed experimenting with salt and colours to change the ice.
Remembrance: November 2018. Visit to Sheerness Gateway and Cenotaph
Hindu Theme Week
Upnor Castle and Rochester Castle: CASTLE Theme Week
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