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St Edward's Catholic Primary School

Year 4

Term 1: How would I navigate around the world?

This term, Year 4 will look at counties within the UK- recognising that Sheerness is in Kent. We will learn the names of European countries and use an 8-point compass to describe their positions compared to different countries. We will develop our understanding of lines of latitude and learn about lines of longitude. We will use grid references to find countries round the world and compare their positions compared to the equator and poles.

Term 3: What is life like in Italy?

This term, Year 4 will be learning about Italy and where it is in the world. We will consider what makes Rome a capital city. We will learn about volcanoes in Europe and how these affect people's lives. We will learn about the economic and social factors when living under a volcano and locate the 'ring of fire' across the world.

Term 5- How is Sheerness similar and different to Venice (Italy)?

In term 5, we will look at time zones and understand how to identify time differences when moving West and East from GMT. We will acknowledge that Venice is in a different timezone to Sheerness. Using OS-maps, we will use grid references, symbols and keys to locate landmarks as well as human/ physical features around the local area. Completing fieldwork activities (and linking up with the local port), we will observe, measure and record imports and exports from the local area. Extending our study to Venice, we will compare land use and waterways; linking to local industries and import/exports: recognising how the places are similar and different to one another.


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Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership is an exempt charity and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales under company registration number 08176019 at registered address Barham Court, Teston, Kent, ME18 5BZ. St Edward's Catholic Primary School is a business name of Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership.
