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- St. Edward's Denominational Inspection Report: March 2020 8th April 2020
- When I can't get to Church 24th March 2020
Calendar Dates
- Swimming - Year 5 11th February 2025
- Parent's evening 12th February 2025 at 15:30
Welcome to Year 1
On this page, you will see the displays from Term 2, and then below that will be weekly updates of whats going on in Year 1.
RE Focal Area
This term, we have been thinking about Mary our Mother in RE. As part of this, we celebrate when she gave birth to the Baby Jesus, on the first Christmas Day, and show thankfulness for this wonderful gift. Our RE focal area is a place for us to reflect on what we learn, and all of the lovely things God has given us.
We decorated a Christmas tree, made an Advent wreath, and painted lots of pictures of the Nativity scene. Sometimes, we choose to read the Bible, and look at the stories in there. We also have a prayer box to think about our loved ones, and a worry box to share our worries with God.
History Display
This term, we have started to think about the things that happened in the past. For Remembrance Day, we learned all about what the poppies meant and why we have that day. We learned about war and sacrifice, and then made our own poppies to be on show for everyone to see how grateful we are to the soldiers.
Nativity DT Project
In DT, Year 1 have been making moving models and stories, using levers pivots and hinges. Our final piece was a moving Nativity display.
Weekly updates
Week 6
We have had so much fun this week, working on our Key Stage 1 Nativity play, The Innkeeper's Breakfast. We learned all about the birth of Jesus, and have learned lots of songs!
Week 3
For Children in Need 2021, the whole school had a day in PJs!