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- Swimming - Year 5 11th February 2025
- Parent's evening 12th February 2025 at 15:30
Our leaders for Year 1 for Terms 1 and 2 are:
Worship Leaders - Deborah and Alan
School Council - Jaxson and Annabelle
Eco Committee - Scarlett and Jackson
Science Ambassadors - Ethan and Maile
We have had a fun filled start to term 2 with lots of practical learning taking place.
In Maths we have been learning about number and place value, counting in 1s and making our own bead strings, counting in 10s learning about 100 squares, and learning about ordinal numbers.
In English we have been practicing using phonics in our writing and have extended simple sentences to make them more interesting. Our topic in History is toys, this week we learned about the past and went on the field to make a giant timeline from the past right up to the present.
We linked our learning in History to Art and we made mechanical paper dolls using split pins. In Science we had a message from a professor - our class turned into a science laboratory and we helped the professor out by identifying and classifying materials.
We have been learning about toys in History; old and new toys, and went on a trip in our local area. We went to Bluetown Heritage Centre to learn about toys from the past and even got to play with some toys from the past!
Remembrance was the theme for lots of our learning this week. We visited Sheerness War Memorial on the way to Bluetown Heritage Centre to learn about why we have a memorial and to show respect to soldiers who have died fighting in wars. We learned that poppies are a sign that is used to remember.
In Art we made poppies which we then lay around a cross as a sign of respect in a whole school Remembrance Service on Friday 11th November.
In RE we learned the story of The Annunciation, we learned about the message from God that Angel Gabriel gave Mary and we made paper plate angels to help us tell the story.
This week we have been learning about addition in Maths and how to use a number line. We made our own number lines using chalk and practised jumping forwards to add. In English we learned the story Old Bear. We made story maps to retell the story and wrote the beginning of the story.
In RE we learned about The Visitation, one of the joyful mysteries. We acted out the story by being Mary and Elizabeth and used words from the Bible to explain what Elizabeth's baby did.
On Thursday this week, Phil from The Dog's Trust came to teach us about how to stay safe around dogs and we learned the 5 happy dog rules. We talked about our own dogs at home and our experiences of dogs. Phil's dog Larry was very friendly, we walked him, fed him, played fetch and he even sat on one of our laps!
At the end we received a certificate for all our good learning.
Maths has seen us learn more about subtraction. We chalked our own number lines outside to practice jumping back and used bean bags to find 1 less on a giant 100 square.
We have been using our Science learning in History to help us identify old and new toys by the materials they were made from.
In RE we have been learning about Advent as this Sunday is the First Sunday of Advent. We have been thinking about ways we prepare for the coming of our Lord Jesus. We made a huge Advent wreath by painting our hands and arms!
We had a very exciting delivery in Year 1 this week. We received a reply from King Charles III for the card we made in memory of his mother the late Queen.
King Charles sent us a card to thank us for our thoughtful words of condolence.
It was lovely for us to see that our actions made a real difference to someone else.
Our learning has taken place inside and outside this week and even on a stage as we have been practising the Nativity for our KS1 performance in the last week of term. We have also been thinking of ways in which we prepare ourselves for Jesus as we await the celebration of His birth.
We have been learning to order toys through time using our Science knowledge of materials and our History knowledge of which materials were used and when. We tested out materials in Science to see which type of paper was the best for soaking up spillages.
In Art, we have taken our RE learning about the Nativity and have been creating impressive Nativity dioramas.
In PE this week, we have been practising balancing in a seated position; we used our tummy and leg muscles to help us hold the balance while we passed cones over our bodies and to our friends.
This week we got ready for the enterprise event by making Christmas cards and photo keyrings for our families to buy. We wonder who raised the most money and will be the winning class?
In English we retold The Nativity by making story maps, using and actions and finally using our best handwriting to write our retells. In Maths we were getting ready for Christmas learning about money. We learned the value of 1p, 2p, 5p and 10p coins and found the right amount to buy presents.
We finished the week with RE and we learned that Mary is our mother. We painted pictures of Mary, made Mary split pin dolls and created Mary moving pictures. We know The Nativity really well now and cannot wait to perform it next week to our parents.
We have made it to the end of Term 2! This week has been all about celebrating Christmas! We performed the St Edward's annual Key Stage One Nativity performance. We took part by dressing up as sheep and shepherds and singing along to the songs to support the Year 2 cast.
Other Christmas celebrations this week included: the Winter Wonderland disco, whole school Mass in Church, a trip to the pantomime to see Cinderella, Christmas Jumper Day, Christmas Dinner Day and class Christmas parties. We even had a visit form Father Christmas!
We wish you all a very Merry and Joyful Christmas and we will see you next year!