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- When I can't get to Church 24th March 2020
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- Swimming - Year 6 17th September 2024
- Y3 & Y4 Road Safety workshop 18th September 2024
Welcome back to a new term and a new year. We hope that you had a lovely Christmas and New Year and the children are refreshed and ready for the term ahead.
Below is a copy of the timetable for this term and the homework activities the children can attempt.
If you have any problems or concerns, please don't hesitate to speak to us.
Below is an outline of the different things we will be diving into this term.
Core homework
For English, please practise the spellings on a daily basis which will be given out every Monday. You will have a weekly spelling test every Friday. As a minimum, pupils should learn the spellings for the given week. However, why not challenge yourself by building sentences using the spellings.
Children are expected to know the 2,5,10 and 3 times tables by the end of year 2. Start by learning your 2,5 and 10 times tables off by heart. If you already know these, try your 3 times tables! Use times tables Rock Stars to improve your speed.
We would also like you to practise using money and working out coins to use and to work out change.
Another challenge is to practise telling the time on an analogue clock.
The children have bounced straight back into working hard after the Christmas break. In English we have started our poetry unit by reading, acting out and learning the poem, 'The Owl and the Pussycat'. We have then moved onto learning and immersing ourselves into 'Handa's Surprise' story and started to write our own story based around this.
In maths, we have started to learn all about money, the coins and pounds that we use everyday and how we can add up different values of money. We then moved onto starting to learn about multiplication and how we can use our knowledge of equal groups and arrays to begin to understand and work out our times tables.
In Geography the children were excited to find out about our new topic, Egypt and found out where Egypt is and some fascinating facts about it by going on a safari through Africa. We out all about the climate, human and physical features and the population of Egypt. We continued our learning all about Africa in music where we listened to various African animals and thought about what instruments we could use to reproduce these animal sounds.
In RE, we looked at the Jewish celebration of Passover and how Jewish people celebrate it. We thought about the story of Moses and why Jewish people celebrate Passover and then we made our own Seder plate. We have found out about some of the miracles that Jesus performed and what we can learn from these and how we live our lives through following the beliefs of Jesus and having faith in God.
In PE we have enjoyed practising our gym skills by working on different balance stances and working with a partner to produce different mirror balances using small equipment.
In Science, we have found out about what animals need to survive and how we can keep our bodies healthy by the food we eat, exercise and keeping our bodies clean.
Our computing unit this term has been important in teaching us how we can stay safe online and how to carry out safe searches online, how to send and receives emails and all about our digital footprint.
The children have loved designing and making African Jewellery and weaving baskets during their art lessons.
At the end of the month the children enjoyed dressing up as their favourite super hero in support of the RNLI and listening to the visitors from the RNLI during assembly.
Today we had Number Day in support of the NSPCC. The children had great fun taking part in lots of exciting maths investigations throughout the day.
We were lucky to have a visit from a Fireman today, where we learned what we should do if we had a fire and how to protect ourselves in we were involved in a fire.
We finished our work on Good News in RE by writing and acrostic poem about Good News and making up a dance with instruments to a Good News song.
At the end of term we had a lovely Parent afternoon where we were able to showcase our work form the term to our parents.