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- St. Edward's Denominational Inspection Report: March 2020 8th April 2020
- When I can't get to Church 24th March 2020
Calendar Dates
- Swimming - Year 5 21st January 2025
- KCC Road Safety workshop - Years R, 1 & 2 21st January 2025
Over the last couple of weeks, with have had NSPCC Number Day and Safer Internet day. Year 4 took part in lots of activities on these days to support causes and raise awareness. For Safer Internet day, we took part in a live lesson that was on BBC Teach and helped the presenters to design and create a game that promotes online enjoyment whilst being safe.
This week we have learnt the technique of weaving. We have started with paper but next week we will begin our South American weaving pieces.
This week, we have continued to look at the digestive system and the important jobs of each part. To deepen our understanding, we completed a fun experiment using tights, banana and juice that demonstrated how the digestive system works.
Darran Challis
We were lucky enough to have a very exciting visit from Darran Challis, who told us about his history with sport and injury, after the whole school completed a mini exercise challenge that was a sponsored event.
This week we looked at the overstitch and how this can be used in sewing. The children learned that this stitch is useful for adding decoration, attaching two pieces of material together and to prevent fraying.
We continued our Science topic this week by looking at the digestive system. Dis you know that it only takes 6 seconds for food to reach your stomach? Next week we will be conducting experiments to see the process of food travelling through the digestive system.
Welcome back and Happy New Year!
This term, our topic is sewing and weaving. This week we learnt how to create a running stitch and will be looking at different stitches and their use in future lessons. As our Geography topic is focussing on South America this term, we will also be learning how to weave and will create a piece based on the South American textiles we look at.
Our topic this term is 'Animals including Humans'. Our first lesson this week, looked at animals and their different teeth and what their job is. We used mirrors to really study our own teeth and then created clay models of our lower set. Finally, we spoke about how and why we keep our teeth and gums healthy.
This term we are focussing on dance as our PE sessions. The children enjoyed creating simple standing and laying down shapes in groups, that they later linked together, through including transitions, to create a dance.