What a fabulous fun filled day we had today! The inflatables were fantastic and we enjoyed the variety of obstacles including a giant slide, ball pit and a disco. The photos below show us having an amazing time.
Morrison's sunflowers
Out of the 28 sunflower seeds we planted, 16 sprouted so we planted them in our outside area. We have looked after them and have two sunflower plants left which are growing well. We measured them and the tallest is 29 cm so far. Hopefully we will see them flower when we return in September.
Term 6 Week 5
We finished the week by dressing up in rainbow colours to celebrate the NHS and to say thank you for all the NHS does for us. Then in the afternoon we showed our support for the England football team by making flags and enjoying some ball related sports.
Ice Cream Treat
As a reward for all our hard work this year, we were treated with a visit from an ice cream van. We enjoyed delicious ice creams and lollies on the field in the afternoon.
Sports Day - Tuesday 6th July 2021
This year saw our first ever sports day and the weather did not put us off! We enjoyed some really fun sports such as an egg and spoon race, long jump and we even had the opportunity to throw javelins before the rain came down. Thank you to all the grown ups who were able to make it. Take a look below at some of our future Olympians.
Term 6 Week 4
We were very lucky this week to watch a performance of Treasure Island performed by a travelling theatre.
For our last Art lesson, we created sculptures of bodies and body parts inspired by the work of Rodin.
We took part in a very successful assembly showing off our STEM skills and testing our cars.
Term 6 Week 3
STEM Engineering Project
The day finally came for testing our cars - we were very excited and had some fantastic results.
Watch the video and look at the photos below below to find out what happened.
Makayla and John's car being tested
Week 3 saw the completion of our cars ready for testing in the hall next week, we were very excited!
In History, we have been learning about the differences between life like in the past (then) and what life is like today (now).
RE got us thinking about how we can help others in our daily lives. We though about different situations and what we could do to help, after all God teaches us to love ourselves and love others.
Term 6 Week 2
This week we learned about God's power in the miracle of the storm at sea. We pretended to be disciples on a boat in a fierce storm - it was scary and wet!
Week 2 of our engineering programme saw us decorating the bodies of our cars and creating axles thinking about speed and direction so our cars will travel fast and in a straight line.
'We're going on a beast hunt, we're going to catch a mini one. What a beautiful day, we're not scared!' Check out the minibeasts we found below.
Term 6 Week 1
We have lots to look forward to in our last term of Year 1.
We started the term by taking part in the Primary Engineering Project – to design and test a car. We began by measuring and painting shoe boxes for the main body of our cars.
In Science we are learning about minibeasts so we went outside and acted like minibeasts – zooming like flies and fluttering like butterflies!
We also entered the KCSP Writing and Art competitions, painting lockdown pictures and writing lockdown haikus. The slideshow below highlights some of our fantastic learning in week 1.
Term 5
Term 5 RE Focal Area
Term 5 Week 6
We made it to the end of term! This term ended with us celebrating all we had learned. Inspired by the Mutitjulu art project in Australia, we painted a mural telling the story of Sheerness. We merged our last Art and Science lesson of the term together to create an observational drawing of plants that attract wildlife and made sure we used the sketching skills we had learned this term. In RE we learned about The Ascension and made Ascension cups to demonstrate the Bible story. On Friday we planted our sunflowers plants that were donated from Morrisons as seeds in our Year 1 planting area. If we look after them they will grow into giant sunflowers.
Pentecost 2021
This week we celebrated Pentecost. It was lovely to be able to sit in the hall and listen to an assembly about Pentecost by Mrs King. We had a party on the field to celebrate Pentecost - the Church's birthday and Kerry our cook made us a special birthday cake to enjoy. At home time we were given some popcorn to take home as a reminder of this special celebration..
Term 5 Week 5
When we came to school on Monday this week, we were amazed by how quickly our cress had grown! We got to take it home to eat.
We took part in role play, acting out parts of the story of The Smartest Giant in Town and then ended the week with an extra PE lesson! The PE lesson was so much fun playing pirates - Aye aye Captain!
Term 5 Week 4
This week we have spent lots of time looking after our school grounds by painting new nature signs as well as growing food by planting cress and sunflower seeds. A big thankyou to Morrisons for donating the sunflower seeds.
There are lots of photos of us in action below.
NSPCC Number Day - Friday 7th May 2021
We had so much fun celebrating today, our learning was filled with numbers all day. Take a look through our photos below to show how we marked the occassion.
We started off our number filled day by coming to school dressed in numbers.
Our morning included making towers of different numbers, finding and making numbers in nature and enjoying a number hunt on the field where we collected and grouped 2s, 5s and 10s numbers.
After morning break, we had to help the NSPCC mascot Buddy escape from somewhere in the school by answering number related questions and piece together a key puzzle. He was trapped in our ICT suite!
Then we found numbers in our reading!
The afternoon of Number Day saw us learn how to shade in Art where we counted how many shades we made then we went back outside for Dice Frenzy. We rolled the dice and completed an exercise for each number. 3 hops were quite easy but 5 press ups were tricky!
Term 5 Week 3
As May is the month of Our Lady Mary, we made flowers to decorate our statue in the hall and our Mary altar in class.
We dissected flowers in Science to learn about parts of plants, weeded our planting area and achieved 200 readers so we earned our long awaited award of playdough! Now we arw working on achieving 300 readers!
Term 5 Week 2
This week our exciting learning included meeting Odd Todd and Even Steven in Maths to help recognise odd and even numbers, we painted Resurrection pictures in RE, went on a plant hunt around the school grounds in Science and explored line on Purple Mash in Art.
Term 5 Week 1
In our first week back to school after Easter, we have been enjoying making bead strings in Maths, learning about the Olympics for our wonderful display, learning more about The Resurrection, where we gave some old sweet wrappers new life and have learned about bird's eye views in Geography. We made maps of Sheerness and a region in Australasia.
Term 4
Term 4 RE Focal Area
Term 4 Week 6 Home Learning
Log on to Seesaw to find out which Home Learning is yours to complete.
This week we enjoyed Easter festivities. We took part in an Easter egg hunt on the school field and cat-walked our way across the playground in an Easter bonnet parade with Reception and Year 2. Well done to Agota and Zeus - our class winners. Their Easter bonnets were fabulous! We also filled the class marble jar and earned a teddy bears' picnic complete with snacks, music and dancing.
In History this term we have been learning about the famous female scientists Hedy Lamarr and Mary Sherman Morgan. Did you know that Mary Sherman Morgan was an inventor who helped launch rockets into space! To celebrate this, we made our own rockets and launched them too. In English we practised using our rules for sentence writing and in Art we made delicious Easter nest cakes.
Tuesday 23rd March 2021 - National Day of Reflection
On the anniversary of the first national lockdown, we join the nation and paused for a minute's silence to reflect on the past year remembering the lives that have been lost. We made daffodils to mark the day as a symbol of reflection and unity.
Year 1 have had another fabulous week of learning, taking part in a wealth of fun activities to excite us. In English we have made potions which we saw erupt and overflow. In RE we learned about the Bible story 'Jesus Enters Jerusalem' - The first Palm Sunday. We role played the story lining the street for Jesus and waving palms. We cooked our own healthy pizzas and took them home to enjoy and also made some beautiful Easter cards this week. Please browse the photos below to see what we have enjoyed this week.
English - Potion making
Jesus Enters Jerusalem
Easter cards
Healthy pizzas
Term 4 Week 3 Home Learning
Below is an example of this week's home learning. Home learning is now set on Seesaw so it should be completed and uploaded on Seesaw from now on.
Year 1 made some beautiful Mother's Day cards in school using hand and finger prints.
British Science Week T4 W3 (8th - 12th March) Back in school!
What a way to come back to school! We had so much fun taking part in British Science Week where we learned how to design, make and advertise our very own food product - a delicious, healthy yoghurt.
We used STEMterprise and learned all about the process in different lessons throughout the week. Take a look at some examples of the fabulous Science work we have done across our lessons.
We were also blown away by some amazing Science experiments in Guided Reading.
This week in English, we designed a logo and name for our cafe, made and tasted the yoghurts then on Friday we filmed ourselves acting in adverts to persuade people to come to our cafe.
Friday - Adverts
British Science Week in Maths involved investigating 2d shapes for our cafe logo, measuring and comparing seeds, practising counting to help count our ingredients and exploring 3d shape for our product's packaging.
Guided Reading
To help celebrate British Science Week, we carried out experiments every day in our Guided Reading sessions. We read the materials list, read and followed instructions to perform some amazing experiments. We made cola erupt with mints, tasted some fizzing oranges, created a storm in a glass and made a rainbow appear in a glass too!
Cola and mint experiment
Fizzing oranges experiment
Storm in a Glass
To help us learn about how rain comes from clouds, we created a storm in a glass using water, shaving foam and blue food dye. You can see the experiment conducted by scientist joe here: Storm in a Glass - Science Fun
Our last week of remote learning was spent celebrating Book Week. We heard the story 'The Selfish Crocodile' and used the book to help us with our learning in lots of different subjects.
We had fun reading in lots of different places and re-created the front cover of some of our favourite books.
Reading challenges
We had lots of book fun by making a book tower, creating a book campsite, re-creating front covers of our favourite books and building our own reading dens.
We read the Selfish Crocodile and found out that the crocodile did not know how to look after his teeth. We wrote lists with information about how to look after our teeth as well as writing a letter to the selfish crocodile to tell him why we must look after our teeth.
The Selfish Crocodile, also known as Charlie Chomper helped us with our maths this week by finding more and less. Charlie Chomp like to eat the bigger numbers!
We taught the selfish crocodile how to brush his teeth correctly by filming ourselves brushing our teeth. We took photos of our super shiny and clean teeth.
We made a healthy banana smoothie which is good for your teeth. We hope the selfish crocodile likes it as much as we did!
Term 4 Week 1
In the first week of term 4 we made story maps and wrote the story of The Three Billy Goats Gruff. We learned lots about fractions in Maths and in our RE lessons we learned about HInduism. Take a look at some of this week's wonderful learning in the slide show below.
Term 3 - Learning remotely
Week 6
This week we have had very snowy weather so have used the snow in our learning activities. Take a look at the photos below to see how much fun we have had.
Safer Internet Day 2021 - Tuesday 9th February
We celebrated Safer Internet Day today by learning lots about staying safe online. We enjoyed an assembly where we met Digiduck who taught us how to stay safe, in Guided Reading we heard the story of Smartie the penguin and recited a staying safe song.
In Maths we built 3D shape SID models and in English we listed information that is safe to share online and information that is not good to share online.
Week 5
We have had fun learning about doubling and halving in Maths this week. In RE we have discussed our church family and we have drawn pictures of our local church.
Dot paintings have been created in Art inspired by some Aboriginal art work we have explored this term.
Week 4
This week we took part in the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch. We went outside to observe birds in our outside areas tallying the amount of each type of bird we saw.
In Geography we wrote Australasian animal fact files including some of the unusual animals that live on the continent.
In English we started learning the story Monkeys and Hats and created story maps to retell the story.
The slideshow below shows some of our wonderful work.
Week 3
Take a look at our tremendous time work in Maths this week.
We have also found out about what makes an animal a mammal in Science.
Week 2
This week in RE we have learned about families and what they mean to us.
We have become poets in English and have written poems in different styles.
Week 1
During our first week of remote learning this year, we have learned about verbs in English, number bonds in Maths, have been introduced to Australasia in Geography, animals in Science and have listened to different genres of music in Art to create patterns. Some photos of our learning are in the slide show below.
Term 2
Term 2 RE Focal Area
Week 7 - Christmas
Year 1 Nativity Performance
Our Christmas celebrations looked a little different this year and Year 1 performed their own version of The Nativity. We hope you enjoyed watching the performance and below are some photos we took on the day.
Christmas Dinner and Christmas Jumper Day
On Tuesday 15th December, we celebrated this special time of year by wearing Christmas jumpers to school, making our own Christmas hats which we wore when we ate our Christmas dinners. It was delicious!
We also made Christmas decorations to take home and we made Mr Garton a thank you card for donating crackers to our school which made our Christmas dinner even more special.
Remote Learning Week 2 - Week 6
We made a display at school to celebrate all the amazing learning we have done during our time at home.
We have worked hard at home completing English, Maths, RE, Science, History and some beautiful William Morris artwork too. We even completed some using Purple Mash.
Take a look at our display below.
Term 2 Week 2
Children in Need 2020
Having our class bubble shut did not stop us from taking part in Children in Need. We stayed in our pyjamas all day or wore our own clothes at home to recognise the day.
We have been busy making displays for our corridors and hall. Outside our classroom we have made a reading display on the book 'The Day the Crayons Quit.'
We have painted portraits for our 'Year 1 Bubble' display by the hall and we learned about St Matthew and drew pictures of him for our class display in the hall.
This term Year 1 have enjoyed learning about the world. We have learned that the world has 7 continents and 5 oceans. You have probably heard your child sing the continents song! To end the term, we painted our own globes.
This week we have been learning about the rain. We observed the rain outside and we are going to be measuring the rainfall over the 4 seasons using a rain gauge.
We have been practising our handwriting by making patterns on the playground and on big paper.
This week some of us enjoyed building cvc words using our phoneme frames. It helped us to blend the words to read them.
Outdoor Learning Week: Monday 21st - Friday 25th September
This week Year 1 had lots of fun taking their learning outside and making the most of our outdoor learning areas. We did some practical maths partitioning using hoops and bean bags, took our English and Phonics lessons outside on the playground and in Science we observed seasonal change on the field learning about the signs of Autumn. On Friday we acted out The Creation Story in our outside area and searched for outdoor materials to paint with in Art on Friday afternoon. Please browse through the photos below to see how much fun we had learning!
Term 1 Week 4 Homework
Please see below for this week's homework including spellings.
This week in Maths we have been ordering numbers and counting out amounts.
Term 1 Week 2
In RE this week we learned about Sikhism and what happens at the Gurdwara. Some of us dressed as if we were visiting a gurdwara.
2019-2020 - St Matthew's Year 1 Class is taught by Mrs Riordan and Mrs Blake. The teaching assistant supporting this class is Mrs L Wilson.
Term 6 - Home Learning
Term 6 Week 6
Year 1 have had a fabulous week this week learning lots about subtraction, story writing and Jesus' miracles. Below are some examples of the children's learning at home and at school.
Term 6 Week 5
Look below and you will see of the lovely learning that Year 1 have completed in school and at home this week. We have continued competing for our virtual sports day, we have enjoyed subtraction in Maths and we have learnt all about Jesus' first miracle when He turned water into wine John 2:1-11.
Term 6 Week 4
Look at all the lovely things Year 1 have been doing at home this week ...
Term 6 Week 3
Take a look below at some of the wonderful learning Year 1 have enjoyed this week at home and at school including the St Edward's Virtual Sports Day 2020.
Term 6: week 2
Another great week of home learning, well done to everyone working hard at home. We have loved seeing photos of all your hard work...
English: Elves and the shoe maker
Just look at the other amazing things Year 1 have been up to...
Term 6 Week 1
Year 1 have worked hard at home to complete their home learning this week.
English - Alternative or spelling and red word practice
Maths - Counting in 2s, 5s and 10s.
Science - labelling and dissecting a plant
What else have Year 1 been up to at home this week? Take a look below to find out.
Term 5 - Home Learning
Take a look at some of the home learning Year 1 have completed while they have been away from school.
Term 5 Week 5
Aliens love underpants
Addition and subtraction word problems
Look at the extra work Year 1 have been doing at home. Its so lovely to see how much fun your also having with your family ...
Term 5 Week 4
RE - Jesus appears to the Disciples - surprise cards