Latest News
- St. Edward's Denominational Inspection Report: March 2020 8th April 2020
- When I can't get to Church 24th March 2020
Calendar Dates
- Swimming - Year 5 28th January 2025
- Swimming - Year 5 4th February 2025
Mutual Respect:
Celebrating St Edward's feast day in October 2023. All children and their parents/carers celebrated together bringing in dishes and food from their home countries.
On polling day during the General Election 2024, year 3 were making their own choices. With a polling box set up and children ready to vote, the pressure was on to see who would win the Prime Minister of the class election of 2024. This was an exciting opportunity for all the children to present their cases and testimonies to the class. We then narrowed it down to a few children, and then the voting began! The class lined up with excitement to post their vote through the ballot, and after some time passed and the votes were counted we finally had a prime minister! A medal was awarded and we look forward to the changes that will be made by the prime minister of this class.
In year 4, we learnt about the General Election and what the different people standing stood for. We then thought about what we would stand for and created a poster as a snapshot of our manifestos.
On the eve of the 2024 General Election all classes discussed democracy and the right to vote. In Year 5 children cast their votes and entered them in a ballot box. Votes were tallied and winners were announced. On the question of what treat our class most would like the winning vote was for doughnuts followed by biscuits!!
Year 6 Vote in the General Election
During the afternoon of the 4th July, Year 6 had a keen interest in learning more about the General Election. The children learnt who the different parties are and how votes are cast. They even transported themselves back in time to 1918 to learn what it would have been like to be female and to not be allowed to vote! Following this discussion, the children then watched a short video clip on Emmeline Pankhurst - the leader of the Suffragettes. After a whole class discussion and the children reading each parties manifestos, the children took their polling card and cast their vote for who they would have voted for if they were old enough.
British Values at St Edward's Catholic Primary School
We value the backgrounds of all our pupils and families and of the people in the wider community and our curriculum is used to celebrate these. Through lessons such as drama/role play and Relationship and Health Education (RHE) we develop the British Values of tolerance and respect for the differences in our community and the wider world. We have regular collective worship which uphold our School Values at St Edward's: Respect, Love and Achieve.
As a whole school we vote for our school council members. This teaches us about democracy and reminds the children how valued their opinions are and how they can play an important role in decisions that are being made in the school. As a group, our school council vote for a variety of activities that take place through the academic year. They will also contribute their ideas of raising money for specific charities. Over the last few years the school have raised money for Macmillan, RSPCA, RNLI, NSPCC, Children in Need and CAFOD.
The children are awarded weekly certificates for demonstrating our School Values of Respect, Love and Achieve. These are handed out in our Friday morning celebration assembly.
Through the year, individually or as a team, we participate in many sporting events and regularly congratulate our sports players by commenting on how they demonstrate respect for one another.
Children recognise that they live in a country that is proud of its democratic rights. Children live side by side with each other with a mutual respect for each other's similarities and differences and have the liberty to express their own ideas and thoughts. As a class and as a school children recognise the importance of rules and boundaries.