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- St. Edward's Denominational Inspection Report: March 2020 8th April 2020
- When I can't get to Church 24th March 2020
Calendar Dates
- Swimming - Year 5 11th February 2025
- Parent's evening 12th February 2025 at 15:30
Welcome to Year 1
Geography Display
Our focus in Geography this term has been Australasia. Over the term, there has been so much learning and work, that has resulted in this beautiful display! I has been so much fun to learn about different cultures, animals, art styles and more.
Weekly Updates
Week 5
This week, we have done lots of learning, but Friday we had Number Day 2022! It was so much fun and we did so many fun number activities all day!
Week 4
This week, we have been learning lots about animals in Year 1! We learned about the marsupials that are indigenous to Australasia in our Geography lesson, and we also focused on birds in Science, and went bird watching. We have continued our learning in English of the story of Cinderella, and have written the entire story this week! In Maths, we have focused on building our mathematical vocabulary, and in RE we have looked at Jesus' family and the things they did together.
Week 3
We have been doing lots of learning this week! In English, we have started to learn about the story of Cinderella, and in Maths, we have been learning about weights and how to measure weights. In RE, we learned about the Presentation story, where Jesus went to the temple with Mary and Joseph. In Geography, we have been learning about Australasian weather. In Science, we learned about the animal types, and looked at mammals specifically. In Art and Music, we have been taking inspiration for Australasia and learning about aboriginal art and music.
Week 2
We have been so busy this week in Year 1! In English, we found an alien spaceship had crashed and used our adjectives, nouns, and verbs to write about it. In Maths, we have been looking at the teen numbers and the ways that we can partition them to show its Tens and Ones. In Geography, we have been learning about Australasia and the bush fires and floods that they have - we even had a go at being Australian weather reporters! In Science, Bryn helped us to show the differences and similarities between humans and other animals. In Art, we have been looking at Aboriginal art and the different textiles we can use to make our own.
Week 1
We have really enjoyed getting back into our classroom this week! We have gotten stuck in with our learning, and are thinking about the different types of words, such as adjectives, nouns and verbs. We played some really fun games to help us remember what each of these are!
We have also been helping our alien friend, Zigzob to fix his spaceship by using our maths knowledge. He has needed lots of help in finding the missing numbers, pairs to 10 and we even taught him how to tell the time!