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St Edward's Catholic Primary School

Term 6

In French, we've been re-capping everything we've learnt so far. Watch us here, practising.

Agota and Zeus.mp4

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Ella and Riley.mp4

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Makayla and Flo.mp4

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Natalie and Fabian.mp4

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Riley and Ella.mp4

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Sofia and Bernice.mp4

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Zyannah and Grace.mp4

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We did double Science this week! Firstly, we did a "Bio-Blitz" of the school grounds. This involved us taking photos and looking carefully at all living things to log them and see what lives in our area.

Next, we went back to looking at light. We were able to plan and carry out our own investigation into sun cream - thinking about how it protects us or what is the best method to apply it.

In Maths, we've been learning about degrees of turning. We learnt that 90 degrees is called a right angle. We then went on a right angle hunt to see if we could spot them.

We were really lucky this week: we had visitors from a neighbouring school, Oasis Academy, who came to teach us dance as part of their year 12 assessments. We had great fun learning the moves and putting it together as a whole dance!

On Thursday, we had a special treat: an inflatable session! We had great fun in the bouncy disco, on the giant slide and taking the Leap of Faith jump!

In Science, we've continued our learning on light but have moved into UV light: light from the sun. We learnt how it can be helpful but also dangerous. We then planned and carried out an investigation to find out which sunglasses offered the best protection for our eyes, using special UV beads that change colour the more UV light they are exposed to.

This week, we celebrated all things sport with our Sports Day! We had a really fun carousel of activities which included moving water from one bucket to a measuring cylinder, throwing bean bags into a hoop, hurdles. vortex throwing, egg and spoon racing, tunnel balling and an obstacle course. We then gathered on our running track to complete a relay and individual sprints. It was so much fun!

In RE, we learnt about a very important Christian called Saul. Originally, Saul persecuted Christians until Jesus helped him see the error of his ways; then, he became a great teacher of our faith and became St Paul! This is us acting out Saul's story.

In Music, we learnt to play a tal to our Indian music. It was very different to what we have been doing so far!

Video 2.mp4

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Video 1.mp4

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In Art, we made our final pieces inspired by Alexander Calder. We had to bend the wire and add our adornments as we wanted but also had to check it looked good from all angles! It was really hard to get some of the shapes we wanted.

In Maths, we've been learning to add and subtract with fractions.

In Science, we were investigating how the size of a shadow changes when the position of the torch changes.

This week in History, we started to think like historians. We had to examine the evidence and make an informed decision about who was to blame for Thomas Becket's murder: Becket himself, King Henry II, the Knights or the Bishops.

In RE, we've been looking at what it is like to be a Christian. We thought about how actions speak louder than words so we learnt a song, Share God's Light by Bernadette Farrell, and then made up new lyrics to it! We had great fun performing to our friends.

Agota, Makayla.mp4

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Bernice, Natalie and Pola.mp4

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Grace, Maya and Zyannah.mp4

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Grace, Sofia and Lena.mp4

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Riley, Ella.mp4

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Samuel, Fabian.mp4

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Teddie, Flossy and Ethan.mp4

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Zeus, Lee and Lewis.mp4

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In Art this week we continued to look at the work of Alexander Calder: we looked at what materials we might like hanging from our own sculptures and why we did or did not specific materials.

In Music, we've continued to learn the glockenspiel with Indian-themed music.

This week in Science, we started to investigate what shadows were. Firstly, we made shadows using torches and different items: some were transparent, some were translucent and others were opaque. We found that opaque objects gave the best shadow. We then went outside and looked at shadows made by the sun: Mrs. Rowse asked us to make our shadow come the other side of us but we found this was impossible!

In Maths, we've started looking at fractions. We learnt that equivalent means the same size but with different numbers. We then investigated what equivalent fractions we could find.

This week, we've been reminding ourselves of the difference between consonants and vowels. To do this, we played a game where Mrs. Rowse called out a letter or word and we had to decide if it (or the word's first letter) was a consonant or a vowel by sitting or standing up.

Wow! What an exciting day we had! We went on a coach to Canterbury where we visited the Cathedral to learn about its history, particularly about the Archbishop Thomas Becket. We completed lots of activities to learn about the area and how Thomas was killed in the cathedral. A fantastic day was had by all!

We then finished this with a tour of the cathedral, looking at where Becket's shrine would have been were it not for King Henry VIII. We also crawled up the steps like tired pilgrims!

We learnt how hard it was to write in Medieval times.

We also explored lots of different activities about the cathedral, such as building archways, making stain glass, being a stone mason, designing the entire buildings and how to lift the blocks of the cathedral up.

In Music, we've been looking at rag-time music with an Indian theme. This week, we started to learn to read musical notation and play that rag time piece on a Glockenspiel.


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In French, we've started a unit called "Je Peux" which means I am able... Here we are, listening and doing the actions when our teacher says Je peux.

In Science, we've continued our learning on light. This week, Mrs. Rowse hid objects in our Bear Cave dark tubs and we had to work out what was in them - by letting the light in slowly. To show our understanding of working scientifically, we had to look for a pattern in the materials of the objects that we could see first - with less light. We noticed that metal objects all reflect the light which makes them easier to see when there is less light.

In Art, we've started learning about sculpture - a 3-D piece of art. We learned about the sculptor Alexander Calder and then tried to imitate one of his self-portraits - using wire! It was very tricky to bend it in the different ways to make it look like ourselves.

In Science, we've started learning about light. We began thinking about what light sources were - where light starts from, or something that makes its own light. We then wondered what dark was... To help us understand, we looked into a "Bear Cave" with no light coming in at all - it was totally dark. We couldn't see a thing! 

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