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- Swimming - Year 5 11th February 2025
- Parent's evening 12th February 2025 at 15:30
We have worked hard this week to write recounts of the amazing time we have had at Beach School this term. We have put them on display in the school for everyone to read and enjoy. Sadly, this week was our last at Beach School but we know we can visit the estuary whenever we want!
The Beach School display links to Catholic Social Teaching and by taking part in Beach School we have been thinking of everyone (The Common Good), taking part (participation), caring for God's gifts (Stewardship), and showing we care (Solidarity). If you would like to know more about Catholic Social Teaching, please click on the link below:
Below are some photos of the learning we have enjoyed this week.
The colour chaos continued in Science this week as we performed a test in pairs to find out who could grow the biggest rainbow. We also made a class 'roaming rainbow and learned about capillary action.
Our art lesson was on the beach this week, we got really creative at Beach School using chalks, coloured pens, and clay to make models of things beach related. We also made necklaces from slipper limpet, cockle, and oyster shells.
In RE we made preparations for our Pentecost assembly and party which will be happening next week as we look forward to celebrating Pentecost.
Stick insect eggs were donated to our class by one family and they hatched this week! We have been finding out how to look after them including what they like to eat.
Our flowerbeds needed weeding this week as we continued to observe the flowers and bulbs we planted earlier in the year so we put on our gardening gloves and headed outside, we also sowed some meadow flowers in the memorial garden.
In Geography we learned about native and non-native fruits to Sheppey and Madagascar - did you know that strawberries are native to Sheppey AND Madagascar? We even got to try some of these delicious, juicy fruits.
Beach school this week taught us about rock pools. Unfortunately the tide was in again so... we made our very own rock pools and filled them with sea water and shells from the kinds of creatures we would find in a rock pool.
On Friday we learned about the Apostles receiving the Holy Spirit. We pretended to be the wind and flames like the Holy Spirit, then we painted Pentecost pictures.
We have been learning more about Mary during the month of May and have spent time thinking about how much she loves us. We have been learning to say the Hail Mary in Makaton and collected flowers to crown Mary with during an adoration assembly. We will continue to pray with Mary during the Month of May and ask her to send our prayers to Jesus.
Shape has been our topic in Maths this week as we continue to be 'Special Agents in Training'. We have been learning to know the properties of 2d and 3d shapes and have also been comparing shapes using our shape knowledge. We have been reading Little Red in English and have begun to write character descriptions for the wolf.
Our 'Colour Chaos' topic continues in Science and this week we learned that 7 colours make white light! who would have thought that! we spun a colour wheel to mix the colours and white appeared!
Week 3 of Beach School saw us focus on plastic pollution, we used litter pickers to clean up the beach and collected a whole bin bag full of plastic rubbish. Plastic NEVER disappears so it is very important to recycle plastic that we use.
Maths this week has included data handling where we have been learning to make and read charts, we have also spent time practising our number knowledge using Dienes. Geography has seen us locate Sheppey and Madagascar on a world map using atlases, we will be learning more about these two unique islands this term.
Week 2 of Beach School was such fun again! We focused on Science this week by learning all about the wonderful wildlife that lives in our estuary. We used binoculars to spot sea birds and explored the shore finding some unusual kinds of seaweed and dead crabs. We learned about oysters, mussels and slipper limpets too.
We started the term with a 'Colour Chaos' experiment in Science. We predicted what might happen to a flower when we left it in coloured water - some flowers turned blue! We also checked on our growing experiment and the pansies are in full bloom but the daffodils have almost died off.
This week saw the start of our amazing Beach School adventure where the focus was Geography. We learned about what an estuary is and had plenty of time to explore some of Sheerness beach.
This time of the year we are celebrating Eastertide and we made our own Pashcal Candles to remind us that Jesus is always with us; from the beginning until the very end.