Latest News
- St. Edward's Denominational Inspection Report: March 2020 8th April 2020
- When I can't get to Church 24th March 2020
Calendar Dates
- Swimming - Year 5 28th January 2025
- Swimming - Year 5 4th February 2025
We would like to make you all aware of a scheme that is currently being run by Citizens Advice and would encourage schools and settings to share the text below with their communities to ensure it reaches as many residents of Kent as possible.
We would like to advise you of a scheme that is operating by Citizen Advice and is supporting people in Kent who are struggling financially or need support to manage the rising cost of living through its new Money Advice Hub. The service is completely free and confidential. People can access the service online by visiting (with video call and webchat functions) or by calling the freephone number on 0800 808 5622 by phone from Monday – Friday between 8am – 8pm. It can also be accessed using one of five kiosks installed in community spaces in Gravesham, Cliftonville, Ramsgate, Aylesham and Ashford.
The Children’s commissioner’s The Big Ask survey highlighted how important supporting children’s mental health was to those surveyed, with one in five children overall saying they were unhappy, making it a top issue for children. As a way to promote this and gauge the feelings and thoughts of children in settings they have developed two flyers for you to use. Let’s talk about your feelings – primary and Let’s talk about your feelings – secondary.
The Big Ask Survey -
Let's Talk About Your Feelings -
Here is a video from Mrs Riordan explaining all about Seesaw and how we use it as a school.
Year R Seesaw Parent Information | St Edward's Catholic Primary School (
Please also use the links below to help guide you through the login process and get you started with SeeSaw.