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- St. Edward's Denominational Inspection Report: March 2020 8th April 2020
- When I can't get to Church 24th March 2020
Calendar Dates
- Swimming - Year 5 21st January 2025
- KCC Road Safety workshop - Years R, 1 & 2 21st January 2025
We have continued to learn lots in this first week of the last term of the year. In English we are studying The Snail and The Whale by Julia Donaldson. We will be writing postcards so have been preparing by using adjectives to describe some of the wonderful things the snail saw on his adventures. In Maths we have been using chips and beans to represent tens and ones!
Our Science topic is minibeasts so we thought about all the minibeasts we could identify and recorded this in our Science Diaries. We have started practising for our sports day by learning to complete the events and have been placed in teams. Our sports day this year is on Thursday 29th June. We are learning about sculpture in DT and will be learning about Rodin's work. We started by twisting and manipulating newspapers to make simple sculptures.
The History of St Edward's school is what we will be learning in History; we investigated the school building to identify old and new parts.
We learned about Buddhism in RE this week and what a Buddhist temple is. Mrs Valentine has visited one in Sri Lanka so she told us all about it and we even got to look at some photos!
In Science we have begun to learn about minibeasts. We have identified minibeasts and learned how to move like some of them. Watch the video below.
This week we have enjoyed practising our maths and reading skills; we got to show the adults how amazing we are! We have learned lots this week in our afternoon subjects. We learned that St Edwards School building was built in 1927 - it is 96 years old!
We went on a minibeast hunt and found slugs, snails, woodlice, a spider and even a centipede! We created natural sculptures in Art and we learned about pulse and rhythm in Music.
This term we are learning about miracles in RE. We learned The Storm at Sea where Jesus performed a miracle and calmed the storm. We re-enacted the Bible story. Click on the links below and watch the slideshow to view our learning this week.
This week we have been very creative in Maths learning about 3D shapes and building 3Ds shape models. We identified the shapes and talked about the shapes we used. We have also learned about turns, we used Beebots and our partners to make one quarter, half, three quarter and whole turns.
In Art we used clay to make hand sculptures in the style of Rodin. We think you will agree they are very impressive!
We learned to identify body parts of some minibeasts this week in Science and drew scientific diagrams with labels.
In English we wrote our very own postcards as Snail from The Snail and the Whale - we were the snail and wrote the postcard to our snail friends on Black Rock telling them all about the worldly adventures we had.
In History we have been learning to ask questions; we looked at a very old photograph of a classroom at St Edward's and have tried to work out which class it is. We wrote questions about the history of our school which we will get to ask next week when we have visitors in who were pupils at St Edward's in the past.
We have been thinking about ways in which we help people in RE and learned how the Bible teaches us to help. We drew pictures and discussed how and why we help people and linked our learning to Catholic Social Teaching - Poppy the Popokotea and how she puts those in need first.
What a week this has been! We have enjoyed using our minibeast knowledge in English to learn about recounts. We explored five different areas of the school when we went on a minibeast hunt - 'We're going on a beast hunt, we're going to catch a mini one! What a beautiful day, we're not scared!'
We will use this as an opportunity to write a recount of our adventure over the next two weeks.
We have been choosing our own resources in Maths to add and subtract; we thought about what resource would work best for us then we used them to answer questions.
In RE we have been learning about how Jesus used miracles to heal - we learned about The Paralysed Man and Blind Bartimaeus, and have begun to compare them.
On Friday this week we took part in our annual Sports Day. The weather held off for us as we took part in sporting events such as tunnel ball, the egg and spoon race, hurdles and an obstacle course. We finished the day with sprint races on the field and cheered on the other year groups.
As the warm weather continued in week 5, we learned about capacity. We used different containers to measure and compare capacities using lots of water in our outside area.
In History we travelled back in time to find out what life was like at St Edward's in the past. We sat in rows and had to copy handwriting from a blackboard! We recited some times tables and then copied them onto a piece of slate. We found our teacher a little scary especially when she told us we might have to wear the dunce's cap and what a cane was used for!
The children who gained 100% attendance this year were rewarded with a morning of inflatables and an ice-cream - well done to those children for coming to school every day. The rest of Year 1 then went outside and were able to play on the inflatables.
We finished the week learning about Jesus's first miracle - The Wedding at Cana. We made spinning models of turning water into wine which helped us re-tell the miracle and remember it.
As we have drawn closer to the end of Term 6 we have continued to learn practically and have reviewed our learning across the afternoon subjects.In Maths we learned to multiply by using repeated addition. We used Numicon to help us show the amounts in 2s, 5s and 10s then we recorded our learning.
In English we completed a 'hot task' by writing our recounts of a minibeast hunt independently. We even got to write another recount about our school day!
In the afternoon subjects we have recorded all that we can remember about minibeasts and the history of St Edward's school. We showed what we have learned through drawing, labelled diagrams and sentences.
On Friday we had our transition day; we learned in our new classrooms for the day and met our teachers for next year - Mrs Dolman, Mrs Upson and Mrs Heath.
We will spend the last three days of the year back in Year 1 but are very excited for September!