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- Swimming - Year 5 11th February 2025
- Parent's evening 12th February 2025 at 15:30
Our home learning for term 2.
Our wonderful learning displays for Term 2
We had such an exciting day today! It was our Christmas Jumper Day - don't we all look smart? Then, Father Christmas visited us! We were so excited!
This term in English, we've been learning about writing a diary entry recount. To help us, we wrote a model text about our visit to the Roman Museum.
This week, we finished our Design Technology learning by creating our Roman Chariots using wheels and axles. We then painted them to finish.
In RE, we read Luke 2: 1 - 20. We then acted out this important piece of scripture about Jesus' birth before thinking about its importance to us and our lives.
In Science, we were investigating switches, discovering for ourselves what they do in a circuit and how they turn on or off the bulb.
We had a really exciting visitor this week: a pantomime! We had great fun watching Cinderella and joining in with the dances.
In RHE, we have been learning about keeping ourselves safe. To help us, we thought about different ways to keep our information private.
In this busy week, we also had our enterprise competition! We made Christmas Tree decorations and Snowman baubles to sell. We chose 50p per item to ensure everyone could afford to buy something.
In RE, we continued our learning about trust by reading Matthew 1: 18 - 21 and considering what it tells us about Joseph. We then used our inference skills to think about what it meant he was like before wondering how we could be like him.
We had a really fun event on Wednesday: Speed Stacking! We had a whole day of Speed Stacking practise and competitions to help our concentration and hand-eye co-ordination skills. It was really good fun!
In Science, we've continued our learning around electricity, wondering if wires are the only way to transfer the particles. We investigated whether adding different materials into the circuits would still enable the bulb to light up. We were then able to draw a conclusion about what type of material was the best conductor.
We had a really exciting visitor this week: Big Fish Arts! Three people from the local group came to our school with lots of kit to help us make lanterns for the community parade on Saturday. We had great fun following the instructions from Chris, Laurie and Karen to make light up stars. We're looking forward to the parade now!
In RE, we started learning about Mary's trust in God. We thought about why she trusted God and His plan for her, before reading the scripture really carefully and realising we use the words from Luke 1: 26 - 45 in one of the prayers we say a lot!
This week, in Science, we continued learning about circuits and making predictions. We realised that we need a full loop from the battery and back to the battery for the electrical particles to travel around. This way, the bulb will light or the buzzer will sound - as long as it is part of the loop!
We had great fun on Friday... We went on a school trip to Canterbury! Firstly, we visited the Roman museum, where we completed two different activities: an Explore Guide around the museum, which helped us to learn about life as a Roman; and a making a mosaic tile, designing our own pattern and making it like a Roman.
Next, we moved to the Beaney Museum where we had lunch and looked around the different galleries, seeing paintings and artefacts from many different eras.
In Science, we worked on our skill of prediction by looking at circuit drawings and deciding if they would light the lamp or not. We then tested these predictions by making the circuits.
This week, we continued our prototypes for our chariots by looking at wheels and axles. We looked at, and made, a fixed wheel and a fixed axle, to decide which would be easier to use on our final chariot.
In DT, we continued our learning by linking to History and learning about the Romans building roads. We then made a prototype chariot to think about what we will need to make a chariot that moves.
In RE, we started our unit on Trusting in God. We began by making links between Jonah and ourselves. Mrs. Rowse challenged us to tell the story of Jonah ourselves - which we managed to remember, as a class. We then had to think and paint a picture about a time when we've been like Jonah and found it difficult to trust in God.
In Computing, we've been learning to add timers to our coding projects. We were very resilient and helped each other to problem-solve!
In Science this week, we continued our learning about electricity by pattern seeking with electrical equipment. Mrs. Rowse set us the challenge of finding how to always know if a circuit would work or not.
In History, we've started learning about the Romans. We started by learning about the empire and how quickly it grew before wondering why the Romans wanted to come to Britain. Finally, we debated, as Roman soldiers, why we should or should not invade Britain.
In DT, we've started out study on mechanisms. To begin, we reminded ourselves of the levers and pivots that we learnt about last year.
In Science, we've begun studying electricity. We started by going on a hunt around the school to look for items that use electricity. We then classified items into different categories, including electric or non-electric and battery electric and mains electric.