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- St. Edward's Denominational Inspection Report: March 2020 8th April 2020
- When I can't get to Church 24th March 2020
Calendar Dates
- Swimming - Year 5 28th January 2025
- Swimming - Year 5 4th February 2025
Term 2- How have toys changed through time?
In Term 2, we will be learning about what has happened before the children were born- beyond living memory. We will learn about events that happened to our older siblings before we look at our parents' and grandparents' lives. Across this time period, we will learn about toys and how they have changed over time. We will look at the materials used to make them and compare them to toys that we play with now. We will decide whether we prefer toys from history or toys from present day and will be able to justify our opinions.
This term, Year 1 will be looking at the two nurses who went to help save the lives of British soldiers who had been injured during wars around the world. They both dedicated their own lives to look after sick people and, as a result, nursing became a recognised profession. We will learn about how they improved the lives of others as well as consider their greatest achievements.
Term 6- What was St. Edward's like one hundred years ago?
In this term, we will think about how old out school is. We will recognise significant landmarks within the local area and begin to construct the past from evidence. By speaking to previous students and looking at artefacts, we will learn about what life was like in St. Edward's School. Through role play and drama, we will consider how different the school was in 1927 and recognise how differently the pupils were treated throughout the day.