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- St. Edward's Denominational Inspection Report: March 2020 8th April 2020
- When I can't get to Church 24th March 2020
Calendar Dates
- Swimming - Year 5 28th January 2025
- Swimming - Year 5 4th February 2025
Our ECO Leads are Mrs. Neeves
One of our 6 core values is Respect and at St Edward we want to make sure we look after our environment as best we can. We want to build a better place for the children at St Edwards. By engaging our children from an early age we teach the knowledge, skills and motivation for sustainable development.
Our Walk on Wednesdays encourages children and families to stop using the car at least one day a week and walk to school instead. Our WOW leader, Mrs Whittaker, keeps a record every Wednesday of all the children who walked to school and we can then calculate how many extra vehicles, and their pollution, were taken off the road.
Our garden is used by all the year groups over the year. Much of our science and art takes place in this dedicated space. We run a very successful after school gardening club that plants and grows vegetables and flowers that are then harvested and sent home. Mrs Neeves runs this very popular club.
The woodland trim trail is a dedicated small area at the end of our field that provides a peaceful and quiet retreat for children and wildlife. We hope to be able to develop a forest school over the coming years
During the first COVID lockdown in 2020 children wanted to mark how such a disease affected our lives. A memory meadow of wild flower seeds were planned as a reminder that St Edwards is a family and we must all look after each other and keep each one of us safe and healthy.
The whole school got involved in this year's science day which included an investigation about nest building for EYFS and Key Stage One. The children learned about nests then went outside to collect natural materials to help build nests that could withstand rain, wind, and hold eggs.
In the afternoon we tested our nests to see which was the best at holding eggs securely and would stand strong against the weather!
Year 1 really enjoyed going bird watching! All of the children were so excited to spot the different birds in our school field.
In Term 6 Year 1 learned about minibeasts. They found out that it is very important to look after the wonderful creatures as they do a great job of keeping our planet clean. It was decided by the class that they should make a minibeast hotel to encourage minibeasts to visit our school grounds.