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- When I can't get to Church 24th March 2020
Calendar Dates
- Swimming - Year 5 28th January 2025
- Swimming - Year 5 4th February 2025
Take a look at our display showcasing our work inspired by Africa.
This week, on Tuesday we celebrated Safer Internet Day and learned more about how to stay safe on the internet. We made acrostic 'SMART' poems, created posters on Purple Mash and put some of this together for a display in the ICT room. We have been learning to balance in PE and this week saw us challenge ourselves balancing on beams whilst on our tiptoes and even catching small hand apparatus!
It was our turn to attend Mass at Church on Wednesday this week. We had a lovely walk to Church where we took part in Mass and received a blessing then we returned to school and wrote a recount about the visit later in the week.
A day full of numbers! As well as coming to school dressed up in numbers to raise money for the NSPCC, all day our learning involved numbers too! We took part in Buddy's challenge, learned about symmetry by painting patterns, completed days of the week crosswords and found Buddy hiding in the Art cupboard! We also played quick fire counting and made symmetrical patterns using Numicon.
Take a look at the fun we had in our photos below.
This week in English we have been studying the book 'Meerkat Mail.' Sunny the meerkat travels across Africa trying to find the perfect home when his home was perfect for him all along! We acted out days of the week from the story. In Science we learned about the importance of exercise and what it does to our bodies. We completed a workout and were very worn out by the end.
This term in RE we have been learning about the Good News. We thought about what Scripture means to us and focused on John 1:14, 'The Word became flesh and dwelt among us'. We painted pictures of when we feel Jesus with us.
The Big Garden Birdwatch took place across the UK this week. As a class we ventured outside to observe the different types of birds we see at school.
The results were:
Starling - 3
Wood pigeon - 5
Blackbird - 6 (male 4, female 2)
Magpie - 2
Collared Dove - 1
House Sparrow - 10 (male 6, female 4)
We held a prayer service this week where we said thank you for all the things we are grateful for in our lives. Learning about the story of Jesus healing the ten lepers reminded us to always remember to say thank you to God. In Art we practiced weaving on a simple loom and have begun to create our very own textile.
Maths has been quite tricky this week as we have been continuing our learning of column addition, but on Friday we had lots of fun doubling numbers using Numicon.
We had a visit from the fire and rescue service this week where we learned about ways to keep safe and how the fire service can help us. We talked about what an emergency is and when to ring 999. We also had to remind our grown-ups to test their smoke alarms at home.
Year 2 have been reading 'Handa's Surprise', an story set in a village in Africa about a kind and generous girl. We got to explore some African fruits and even attempted balancing a basket on our head like Handa!
Science was so much fun as we expanded our knowledge on animals including humans, learning about the life stages of humans by investigating different sized clothes as well as learning new vocabulary - the words 'offspring' and 'reproduce'.
Welcome back to school and the new year - 2022.
This week we have been thinking about turning over a new leaf and we have written New Year's Resolutions to help us in our learning. We are learning about Africa this term and have already located the continent in atlases and have begun to learn how to search for information using the internet in our ICT lesson as well as learning to play African drums.
In RE we learned about the Jewish festival Passover and the story of Moses freeing the Jews from slavery. We made seder plates with food which represents parts of the story.