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- Swimming - Year 5 28th January 2025
- Swimming - Year 5 4th February 2025
What a busy week we have had this week as we edge closer to the end of the school year!
We learned about position and direction in Maths and we directed our friends around grids on the playground.
Year 2 have written acrostic poems about Queen Elizabeth II to help prepare for the jubilee celebrations at school on Friday. We became the Short brothers in History and built aircraft from our own designs. Some of us were brave enough to test them! On Thursday the whole school attended mass in church for our end of year service, the children were very respectful and well behaved in church.
The Jubilee picnic was a huge success and the Year 2 '1990's' performance brought some of our grown ups close to tears.
Following on from our school trip last week, we have been writing recounts and thank you letters. Our writing has really improved this year as we have continued to use our phonic knowledge of alternative sounds and red word spellings. We have put our writing on display in school to celebrate our writing achievements.
Our school trip inspired us to create models of bees using clay as we have learned about sculpture in Art this term.
We had our annual Sports Day on Tuesday this week and it was fabulous to have our grown ups come and cheer us on. We really did have a great morning taking part in the activities and races.
This week we had our school trip to Eastchurch! We were lucky enough to visit Eastchurch Aviation Museum and Sheppey Honey Producers.
We learned lots about bees and how they make honey. We even got to try some Sheppey honey - delicious and nutritious! We visited the beehive area - did you know the bees have their own coloured doors?
We learned more about the first flight on Sheppey and stood where the first aeroplane factory in the whole world once was. We saw the statue of Frank McClean and climbed aboard pretending to be the wings of the aircraft.
Also this week was St Edward's Talent Show. 3 acts from Year 2 performed in the show and did amazingly well. Below are some photos from our school trip and videos of some of the performances.
This week we have been writing information texts about bees in English and we have also been learning more about the first flight on Sheppey to prepare for our trip next week.
We observed bees in nature on our school field and used the internet safely to search for information about bees to support our writing.
In RE we learned about the church community - do you know a church is not just a building, it is the group of people in that community that make a church.
This week we had a surprising guest in our class - an elf! We found a wand and a note which led us on a treasure hunt. We found a box full of treasure and by the end of the week we had returned the box to the elf. We wrote recounts all week about the adventures we had.
In Art we made 3D sculptures in the style of Andy Goldsworthy. We collected natural materials from outside area and created some lovely pieces of art.
We have been showing the gifts the Holy Spirit has given us this week in how we work and how we play with our friends.
Week 1 of the Summer term has arrived and we have enjoyed learning outside in the sunshine! In Maths we learned about measure and worked practically to measure length, weight, and capacity.
In English we wrote some beautiful friendship recipe poems using suffixes, we even wrote a recipe for a queen!
In History, we are learning about the Isle of Sheppey and flight so we made paper aeroplanes and flew them. Sculpture is the topic for Art this term, we learned about Andy Goldsworthy and have begun to make some land art. In Science we are learning about living things and their habitats. We found out about things that are living, non- living and dead. We also had an Irish dancing workshop where we got to learn how to dance to Irish folk music - this was lots of fun.