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St Edward's Catholic Primary School

St Mark's Year 2 Class

Summer Holidays


We would like to share some of the exciting things we did during the holidays before joining Year 2. Our sunflowers have been busy growing and now have huge fllowers on them. Some of our children enjoyed taking part in the local libraries Summer Reading Challenge becoming 'Wild World Heroes' and earning a certificate and medal for their reading efforts. We even had a class member who is a keen biologist growing butterflies and caring for hedgehogs.

2020 -2021 - St Mark's Year 2 Class is taught by Mrs King. Mrs Neeves and Mrs Cork are the teaching assistants supporting this class.



It was a beautiful windy day,excellent for drawing trees on our field.Paying close attention to the way the leaves and branches moved and trying to capture that mevement in our sketching.

We decided to have a close look at the self portraits of Leonardo da vinci and Michelangelo.Then we had a go at sketching some ourselves.

This terms art is observational drawing and sketching. We have been looking at the art of Michelangelo and Leonardo Da Vinci. We sketched our own hands.

In year 2 we made some fantastic Easter cards using water colours and a template of a cross.

In Art/Food Technology this term we took inspiration from Grayson Perry's Art show . Using everyday kitchen utensils we made some collages.

In Art we have been researching William Morris textile designs.For our final lesson we made some large weaving squares and designed our own pattern.s

Here is a display of some of our remote learning sent to us in lockdown.

As part of our Geography Topic we had great fun making African masks out of recycled plastic milk bottles.

In art we have been using poster paints for our Van-Gogh inspired paintings.

In year 2 we have been working on ordinal numbers.

We all enjoyed making pancakes and making our own recipes.

Year 2 has a new book corner.We all love reading in year 2 .

In Art we used our skills of mixing water colours together with some really accurate observational drawing of Poppies.These we used to make a Remembrance Day Display in our classroom

In year 2 History we have been learning all about The Great Fire of London.Then we linked this to our Science watching how the materials changed as they burnt.It was so much fun watching from a safe distance..

In Science we have been studying Plants.Using our wonderful Eco friendly school grounds to collect information.

In Maths we have been measuring objects around our classroom.

Term one year 2 have been studying Vincent Van-Gogh and his' Starry Night'.Using water colours to blend and develop the swirly techniques he was famous for.

We have been making a scarecrow. His name is Tattybogle. We had a lot of fun.

In year 2 we did the challenge of how many drops of water you can keep on a 2p piece. Guess how many we managed. It was 77 Wow!

Our pebbles from the beach were used in our Reconciliation Service and now they are on our prayer table.

Science and Drama together. We acted out being in different habitats.

Some of our parents came in to help us pretend to be the planets in the solar system. It was great fun! We had to try and stay on our orbit around the playground

World Book Day Superheroes and Favourite Characters !

We are getting ready for Easter- it is Lent.

Can you make a healthy pancake?

We are doing all about Space in term 4. We are learning to name the planets.

Year 2 Liturgy Assembly: Forgiveness

Science: We have been looking at how we start as babies and grown into adults

We have been doing about the life cycle of animals including humans.

How can we find out which car is the best?

Science:We went to find different seeds

Playing with Maths outside

Friendship week ! We did lots of things together.

Aylesford Priory Retreat

Maths week

Armistice Day: Year 2 visited the Cenotaph in Sheerness, planted poppies and prayed

Science Experiment Which material is best

We decorated our pebbles as poppies

Which is the best material for a shoe to be made from?

Our Lady of Lourdes Display

Outdoor learning for English and Maths

St. Mark's Hall Display 2019

Look below to see what fantastic learning opportunities last year's Year 2 had.....

In history we have been looking at the first man on the moon! We have made the planets in our solar system.

In science we have been looking at our senses.

We made worry stones to tell all of our worries to and them wash them clean.

World Book Day 2019

Pancake Day

Retreat to Aylesford Priory: 28th November 2018, focusing on LOVE.

In History we have been looking at the Great Fire of London.

Remembrance: Year 2 visited the Cenotaph in Sheerness

For the festival of Diwali we made our own diva lamps.

Science: Year 2 have been looking at the types of trees and plants in our playground.

Upnor Castle 25th September: CASTLE Theme week

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