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St Edward's Catholic Primary School

Term 3

Welcome back to term 3. We hope that you had a restful and enjoyable Christmas break and the children are ready for the exciting challenges and learning we have this term.


Please find the timetable for term 3 and the topic page for this term below which outlines some of the learning we will be doing this term.



The children began the term by looking at the religion of Judaism and the importance of Passover and how Jewish people celebrate this festival. The children were quickly able to link this to their previous learning from term one when we learned about Moses leading his people to freedom.


We have thought carefully about how we can live our lives more like Jesus and looked at the Catholic Social Teaching of putting those most in need before ourselves. We looked at the things we can do at school, at home and in our community to put those in most need before ourselves using the stories of Jesus and how He would want us to live our lives and Poppy the popokotea.




The children have got stuck into our first maths unit of money by looking at the different coins and notes we can use to pay for different things and how we can use our knowledge of place value, addition and subtraction to work out various calculations including working out change.

The children really enjoyed setting up a shop and acting out as customer and shop keeper to further develop their knowledge and understanding of money and money problems.




We have started the term with a poetry unit. The children have learned the techniques of writing Kenning poems and have enjoyed writing various poems on different subjects in riddle form, reading them aloud so that we can all try and guess what their poem is all about.




This term we have been learning all about the continent of Africa and in particular the country of Egypt. We have looked at where Egypt is and how this affects the climate they have.




Our art topic has linked to our geography topic and the children loved designing and making their own African style necklace.




Our computing topic of online safety has highlighted some important areas for the children in an ever increasing technological world. We have started the term by learning the importance of effective and safe searching and filtering to investigate finding out information. We have also looked at what emails are and how to send and receive emails safely.




The children have loved going on safari through Africa in our music topic and using various instruments to mimic the noise of different African animals and looking more deeply at timbre.

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Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership is an exempt charity and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales under company registration number 08176019 at registered address Barham Court, Teston, Kent, ME18 5BZ. St Edward's Catholic Primary School is a business name of Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership.
