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- St. Edward's Denominational Inspection Report: March 2020 8th April 2020
- When I can't get to Church 24th March 2020
Calendar Dates
- Swimming - Year 5 21st January 2025
- KCC Road Safety workshop - Years R, 1 & 2 21st January 2025
Welcome back to the final year of the term which we know will fly past with ;lots of exciting things planned, including a school trip, sports day and lots more.
Week 1
This week in maths, the children have been stretching their knowledge of place value to 3 digit numbers as well as rounding numbers to the nearest 10.
In English, we have started our work based around the book, The Tear Thief, which the children are really enjoying.
To begin our science learning, the children were able to take their learning outside to try and find objects that were alive, dead or never been alive.
The children were excited to start to learn about our topic for History this term, The History of Flight. After finding out about some early flight the children ended the lesson by making their own paper aeroplanes and attempting to fly them.
In computing, the children were able to explore impressionist paintings and use the programme and the tools on the computer to create their own impressionist painting.
In Art this week, the children began their topic of sculpting by using clay to make their own model using the natural environment as their inspiration.
During our PE lessons the children had great fun beginning to practise for the upcoming Sports Day.
As a class we will be working really hard on our times tables and the children will be using Times Tables Rockstars to try and improve their knowledge of times tables in preparation for year 3. Please encourage your children to practise them as much as possible at home. Thank you.
Congratulations to our certificate winners this week and for the class winning Walk on Wednesday.
This week in English, we have finished reading the Tear Thief and written lots of descriptive writing and begun to write our own version of the story using a fairy that we have made up.
In maths, we have been revisiting number bonds and how we can use these to help us with our addition and subtraction calculations.
We have used our time in computing to create some pictures on the computer in the form of pointillism art. The children can practise their skills on Purple Mash.
During our art lessons this week, we were able to take advantage of the lovely weather and produce some sketching of the natural environment in preparation for our sculpting lesson next week.
In science we continued our topic of Habitats and living things by exploring Micro-habitats in our school grounds and in History we started to learn the History of Flight and we are really excited to learn more about this when we go on our school trip next week.
This week in English the children have started to write their own version of the Tear Thief by creating a Happy Tear Thief. The children have been working hard on using powerful adjectives, alliterations and similes to enhance their writing.
In Maths, we have been concentrating on positional language and writing and following directions, including left, right, clockwise and anticlockwise turns.
In science, we have explored the outside environment whilst studying food chains. We searched for living things in the school grounds and then created our own food chains, identifying the producers and predators in our food chains.
The children had a great day out on our school trip to the Aviation Museum in Eastchurch. They found out all about the first flight in Sheppey and how important The Isle of Sheppey was in pioneers of flight. We also had an interesting talk on how honey is made and even got to taste some of the delicious honey made first hand.
Week 4
In English, we finished our persuasive writing based on the Tear Thief. The children then had fun using their imagination and creating their own stories when they were just given a character, setting and an object to write a story.
In maths, we have spent time reading, interpreting and drawing different types of data, including tally marks, pictograms and block graphs. We finished the unit by carrying out a class survey and creating different graphs to represent the information.
In RE we talked about the role of the Apostles and how they spread the word of Jesus and carried on his teachings. We learned about Peter and John and how they helped cure the lame man. We acted out the story and wrote about it. We then learned more about the Apostles, Peter and Paul and their importance.
In history, we used the time to recall all the learning from our trip to the Aviation Museum and wrote a thank you letter to the kind ladies and gentlemen who gave up their time to show us around the Museum and talk about the history of flight on the Isle of Sheppey.
This week, we also spent time helping the year 5 children in their training to become play leaders. We thoroughly enjoyed our time with year 5 and had great fun.
Congratulations to our certificate winners for this week.
The children finished the week off by competing in Sports Day. The children should be incredibly proud of not only their fabulous efforts in all the events but above all their behaviour throughout the whole afternoon. Well done to all of you.
Week 5
The children have been working hard in maths, revisiting 3D shapes, looking at the names and properties and sorting them into groups.
In science, the children had fun creating their own creature and thinking about its features and the habitat it would live in and how it is suited to living in that particular habitat.
After practising for Sports Day, the children were back to honing their skills in PE and worked hard improving their balls skills.
In RE, the children finished their unit on The Church is Born by learning the story of Peter and how he was arrested and then escaped form prison. They retold the story and then acted it out in groups and performed it to the rest of the class.
The children had a fun morning on Thursday, with a turn on the bouncy castle that was provided for those children who had 100% attendance.
Finally this week, after an extremely busy and fun filled week, the children worked hard to prepare the various activities, ready for the School Fete.
Congratulations to our certificate winners for this week.
The children were very excited in preparing things to sell at the school fete and had an amazing afternoon to end the week having lots of fun and raising an amazing amount of money. Thank you to everyone for coming and supporting us.
A final busy full week saw the children pack in a final surge in their learning.
In maths we took the opportunity to do lots of practical measuring in length, weight and capacity which the children really enjoyed.
In English, we have been doing lots of short burst writing and the children have created some amazing poems about wolves.
We finished our history topic on Flight by using lots of junk modelling and art crafts to make our own aeroplanes which the children found really fun.