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St Edward's Catholic Primary School

Science Event - Colour

We really love Science at St. Edward's so, to celebrate our love, we held a fun science event in the afternoon. We started with an assembly that encouraged us to work like scientists and think of our questions. By asking questions, we managed to make a rainbow of colours using just different liquids when they were mixed together! 

We then returned to our classes and explored colour ourselves, asking and answering questions of our own.

Year R: we looked at the colour of taste. One of our questions was: does this food taste the same when it has a colour coating and when it does not? 

Year 1: we were shown that if you had colour segments on card and spin them really fast, we can make it look white! We then asked if we could make different colours or patterns and would they still look white?

Year 2: we explored washing up liquid, milk and food colouring. We asked questions such as, what happens if we mix these three ingredients together?

Year 3: we also explored milk,. washing up liquid and food colouring. We found that things didn't do what we expected so had to keep changing our question to try to find a rainbow of colours!

Year 4: we had access to ice cubes, coloured ice cubes and coloured paper. We asked, does coloured paper affect how fast an ice cube melts? and does colour affect how quickly an ice cube melts?

Year 5: we were amazed that black ink is made up of lots of colours and makes a rainbow when combined with filter paper and water! We then asked questions such as, does a red pen split into the same amount of colour as black? Do Smarties have a multi-coloured coating on them?

Finally, we came back together at the end of the afternoon and shared our learning with each other. It was such good fun seeing what each class had asked and how they had chosen to answer it.

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