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- Swimming - Year 5 28th January 2025
- Swimming - Year 5 4th February 2025
Year 6 have had a fantastic first week back after the half term break. This week, in PE, we have learnt how to use our body to create shapes. We practised our French speaking skills by presenting ourselves to others. In science, we learnt who Carl Linnaeus was and the classification system he devised. Finally, our art lesson focused on gears and how they work. We made our own gears that actually turn.
Year 6 have been super busy this week but we've still managed to have fun! We used our learning, from this week's maths lessons, and applied it to help us complete mental calculations, in our last lesson of the week; we played a mental calculations game and challenged our partner. Our fun continued in science were we learnt all about classification trees; we compared and organised sweets - before eating them. In history, we learnt all about viking longships and drew them in our books. Finally, we finished our week off by paying our respects, to those who are no longer with us, with a Remembrance Service and a 2 minutes silence.
This week, we have been very lucky to have had visits from The Big Fish Parade and Dog's Trust. The Big Fish Parade put on a whole school assembly where we all learnt about the history of the Isle of Sheppey. The Dog's Trust assembly taught us all how to stay safe around dogs. Year 6 were fortunate to have Dog's Trust back in on Friday for a workshop where we took parts in lots of scenarios on how to stay safe around dogs.
This week has been testing week for Year 6; another round of SATs Practice paper and we've all tried our hardest and gave them 100%. However, we have still had time to have some fun in our learning. In this week's science lesson we planned and began an investigation to find out the best conditions for growing mould. In our math lessons we have learnt how to identify and measure angles; we were even allowed to write on our tables. In our art lesson, we were working towards creating our final piece so today we created a persuasive advert that had to include a mechanisms.
This week year 6 have been busy getting ready for next week's enterprise; we have made cute, little beanie hats, that can be hung on a tree. We have also been very busy practising our singing ready for carol singing in the last week of term. In this week's RE lesson we focused on 'Power in Weakness' and had a class discussion around whether people should be categorised as 'strong' or 'weak'.
In the run up to Christmas we have still been working extremely hard. In art, we have begun to create our final piece - a moving Christmas card - and we can't wait to bring them home. In science, we created our own 'quirky creature' so it had features from more than one classis group. Finally, in English, we created an information poster on Carl Linnaeus, linking with our science topic.
What a jam-packed, busy week we've had for our last week of term. We went carol singing around the clock tower, celebrated Mass in church followed by a wonderful pantomime performance of Cinderella. We enjoyed a fabulous Christmas dinner whilst wearing our Christmas jumpers before finishing the week off with a party in our classroom and a visit from the big man himself: Santa. Merry Christmas!