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- When I can't get to Church 24th March 2020
Calendar Dates
- Swimming - Year 5 28th January 2025
- Swimming - Year 5 4th February 2025
Welcome back to a new term. We hope you all had a lovely break. The children have started the term working hard and with lots of enthusiasm for their learning.
In English, we have begun to read the book ' Good Dog Lion' and the children are working on their own narrative story based around this book so watch out in the next few weeks to read their stories.
On Wednesday we went to Mass in church. After the Mass the children were able to spend some time looking around the church to help them get a better understanding of the RE we studied last term. The children were able to explore and ask the Father some questions.
Our topic for science this term is called Colourful Chaos in which the children will carry out lots of exciting experiments. This week we were learning to predict what we think would happen and explain our reasoning. We set up an experiment to change the colour of some white flowers by putting some food colouring in the water. The children are looking forward to finding out if our experiment worked over the next few day.
This term our PE is on Tuesday where we will be practising our gym skills. This week we used different parts of our bodies to try out different ways to balance.
We are really looking forward to visiting the beach every Wednesday to learn all about our beach and its surroundings.
Congratulations to our certificate winners this week!
What an exciting week as finally the children got to attend the long awaited Beach School, which the children were so excited for.
Beach school - Week 1
The children firstly learnt about the dangers surrounding us and how we can stay safe on the beach. They then were able to take a bucket each and fill it with all the interesting things we could find.
We found out about whelks, whelk eggs, cockles, slipper limpets, crab claws, different types of seaweed, including bladder wrack seaweed, oyster shells, dog whelks, periwinkles and so much more.
We were able to throw smooth stones into the sea and had a go at skimming them ( although it was a bit hard as it was very wavy).
Then we learnt about the pollution along the shore and found out what was rubbish and what wasn't before we had a go at litter picking where we managed to fill a whole bag of rubbish!
Lastly before we headed back to school, we were able to use the binoculars to see what we could spot out at sea.
The children can't wait for next week!
In Science this week, we have learnt all about what light is and we investigated how to make white light and then drew our own conclusions.
We began the week in maths by learning about multiples of numbers and the children were practising how to spot multiples of different numbers,
On Thursday, we took part in the daily mile challenge which the children enjoyed but found it a lot more challenging than they originally thought but they all persevered to complete it. Well done everyone.
Congratulations to our certificate winners for this week.
This week in maths, we have been revisiting and revising our understanding of money in preparation for the upcoming SATS.
In English, we are near the end of our work on writing our own narrative and we have written some excellent recounts on all the exciting things we have been doing and learning about at Beach School.
The children were at Beach School twice this week and despite the blowing wind, we still managed to explore some more, learn all about how we live at an estuary and how we can tell it is an estuary.
We played lots of games to help us learn about the different animals found at the beach and collected lots of different shells to make our own bracelets, necklaces, wind chimes and lots more creative designs.
We also started to learn about Climate Change and managed to use the litter pickers to fill a whole bag with rubbish.
Congratulations to our certificate winners for this week.
Finally to end the busy week, we had great fun taking part in a School Street part to celebrate the King's Coronation.
The children have worked extremely hard this week in revising different areas of maths in preparation for their SATs. This week in maths, we have been tackling fractions; working out how to write fractions and how to work out fractions of shapes and amounts.
In art, the children used their drawing skills and techniques to begin to draw different things they had found and collected at the beach during Beach School.
In RE, we have explored more about Eatsertide and in particular thought about their own representation of the Trinity and what Heaven looks like to them.
In PE, we got to practise more of our skills of balance and control by using our bodies to complete different rotations whilst keeping our balance.
For week 3 at Beach School, we were finally treated to some warm sunny weather. This week, the children were able to explore more on the types of living things found at our estuary as well as being able to feel the water with our hands, even if it was very chilly! We ended the session with a game using the large parachute in which we learned more about the different names of the shells and started to think more about Climate Change, what it means and how we can help out.
Congratulations to our certificate winners for this week.
Week 5
In English, the children have worked extremely hard with writing up their narrative story based on the story, Good Dog Lion. They have worked on their presentation and handwriting, spellings, grammar and punctuation in order to produce the best final piece.
In maths, we have been revising multiplication and division in preparation for our maths SATs papers next week. Well done to all the children in persevering and trying their best in the SATs reading papers.
In science, we had great fun in our working scientifically unit this week in trying to create a comparative test whilst growing a rainbow, which the children really enjoyed.
In RE, we read the Bible of when the Holy Spirit came to the disciples and thought about how it made them feel. We painted a picture of what we imagine this to look like and also created a dance to represent this.
In beach school this week, we focussed on art. We collected many treasures form around the beach and then used modelling clay to make our own sculptures and creations. Check out our fabulous work below.
Congratulations to our certificate winners for this week.
Week 6
In the final week of term after working really hard and completing their SATs, the children were rewarded with an afternoon treat for winning Buster's reading for the term. A huge well done to all the children from all of us in year 2 for all their hard work and determination.
In English we have been busy doing lots of writing which has included a poem about nature, writing a letter to the ladies at Beach School and finally we wrote our own stories with the title, 'The magic pebble'.
In maths, we have concentrated on reading and writing the time to o'clock, half past and quarter past and learning before and after which we have found a bit challenging.
We had great fun in science. We played being detectives and tried to find out who left us a special note by using the techniques of chromatography and matching up colours. We learned how to record our results and make a sensible conclusion.
For our final week of Beach School, we were treated to some lovely weather. We collected lots of treasures we could find on the beach and worked in two teams to create some wonderful sculptures. We then got even more creative to make our own sculptures. We ended the lesson we a cooling ice pole to refresh us. Before we went home, we played a quick quiz to find out how much we have learnt this term.
Congratulations to our certificate winners this week and to the whole class for being the Buster's Book Club winners. Well done everyone!