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St Edward's Catholic Primary School

Term 2

Welcome to term 2! Here is our learning leaflet for the term, which will tell you everything you need to know about our learning for the term

In our local area, we have a lantern parade every year to bring the community together and celebrate Advent - the preparation for the coming of Jesus. To get ready for the parade, we welcomed Big Fish Arts' founder Chris Reed into school to teach us how to make lanterns. Look how much fun we had and what a good job we did!

For Anti-Bullying Week, we had a visit from local police officer PC Laura Day. We learnt about choosing respect and things we can do to help each other and ourselves.

We took part in a Speed Stack Event. Initially, we learnt how to speed stack effectively, learning different ways and completing challenges. Next, we raced against each other and year 3 in a speed stack race event - it was very good fun!

We've had an exciting visitor this term: the fire service. Our visitors came to speak to us about fire safety in our homes, teaching us about smoke alarms and what to do if there is a fire at home.

In RE, we've been learning about trusting in God. To do this, we learnt about people who had had to learn to trust in God or say yes to God's idea for them. We acted as Jonah, learnt about Zechariah, thought about Mary and hot-seated Joseph. Finally, we thought about how we can trust in God and say yes to him.

In History, we've been learning about the Romans. We started by learning about the invasions of Britain, some of which were successful and some of which were not; we then debated (as Romans) whether we should invade again. We have also made Roman chariots to help us learn about the changes the Romans made in Britain.

To further our learning about Romans, we went on a trip to the Roman Museum in Canterbury! Here, we learnt about Roman invasions of towns, acting it out by using catapults to make the enemy surrender! We also learnt about the market-places called forums, looking around and wondering how the Romans bought things. We then made a Roman coin each! Finally, we went to the Beaney Museum where we were able to examine Roman artefacts up close: we were able to draw like archaeologists and make conclusions about what we thought each item was for. It was a fun-filled day of learning!

In Science, we've been learning about Electricity. We started by going on an electrical hunt, finding items we were sure did, and did not, use electricity. We then moved on to building series circuits, drawing conclusions about what a circuit needed to work. Next, we found out that a circuit can work without wires because there are some materials, such as metals, that conduct electricity! Finally, we learnt how switches work and built our own.

On 12th November, we joined in with other schools around the country for Protect Our Planet Day! We learnt about the greenhouse effect and conducted an investigation to show how it works.

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Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership is an exempt charity and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales under company registration number 08176019 at registered address Barham Court, Teston, Kent, ME18 5BZ. St Edward's Catholic Primary School is a business name of Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership.
