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St Edward's Catholic Primary School


Our RE Lead is Mrs. Wakefield



At St Edward’s Catholic Primary School we recognise the importance of promoting Christian values through the school and beyond.  Our six school values are:


  • Achieve
  • Forgiveness
  • Kindness
  • Trust
  • Love
  • Respect


To help members of the school community to develop spiritually through mutual respect, sensitivity to the needs of others and through prayer and celebrations of shared values in order to nurture and strengthen the school family.


By living out these values we aim to create an awareness of a sense of belonging to and being part of the life of St Edward's Catholic Primary School.


  • To encourage children to actively live their faith.
  • To help children to develop a personal relationship with God.
  • To develop the whole child: spiritually, mentally, morally, socially and culturally.
  • To teach the doctrines, traditions and culture of the Roman Catholic Church.
  • To offer children a wider experience of prayer and worship.
  • To provide a stable, secure and happy environment.
  • To foster and develop the spiritual life of each member of the school community.
  • To work in partnership with the home and parish.




RE is taught every week throughout the school using The Way, The Truth and The Life Programme as a resource.

Throughout the school year the children will spend time learning about other faiths as well the Catholic faith so as to give the children a wider understanding of all religious beliefs.


Every school day begins with Collective Worship. 


Each class will attend mass at the SS Henry & Elizabeth at Christmas, Easter and at the end of July alongside the parish community.


Masses are held at the school three times a year conducted by the Parish Priest.  When relevant to the liturgical calendar the Parish Priest also conducts services with our children to which the parish community and parents are invited such as: Ash Wednesday, Reconciliation and Benediction Services.


Father Frank regularly visits the school and individual classes to support the teaching of RE and the children’s learning.


In addition, KS1  children participate in a retreat day to Aylesford Priory in preparation for the Sacrament of First Holy Communion.


One class in upper Key Stage 2 visit the Priory for the Picnic & Praise Celebration which is a Diocesan event as organised by the Education Commission.


We educate the whole child through a structured curriculum permeated by Gospel values and linked with the PSHE Curriculum


This includes assessment opportunities through informal observation, marking and feedback and ongoing formal assessment opportunities.


The children’s work is recorded in individual exercise books and a class Big Book.  The RE Team regularly review the progress and achievement through book looks and lesson observations.

'The Way, The Truth and The Life'


John 14:5-7

“Lord, we don’t know where you are going, so how can we know the way?”

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you really know me, you will know my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him.”


In RE at St Edward’s Catholic Primary School, we follow the ‘The Way, The Truth and The Life’ syllabus. This scheme of work, whilst covering the essential theological content, gives all our learners a clear understanding of what and why they are being asked to study and how this learning will enrich their lives and the lives of others. Learning about the Catholic faith leads to learning from the Catholic faith. Each topic is developed in depth for a period of approximately six weeks; some are not covered every year, but are picked up in greater depth every two or three years.

The centrality of the Mass in the lives of Catholics is present throughout the teaching and learners can explore this together in ways that are appropriate for each age group. The scheme of work presents children with meaningful activities, requiring a wide range of skills, which help to develop their religious understanding and knowledge and encourage their appreciation of Christ’s most wonderful gift to us


‘The Way, The Truth and The Life’ is firmly rooted in scripture. It presents Catholicism as a world Church, open to the truth in other religions and it encourages learners to engage with and discuss the big issues in our world today. 


If you would like further information on the content of the curriculum, please contact Mrs Wakefield via the office.


The impact of our RE teaching and learning can be found below

Harvest Festival - Friday 29th September 2023

Today we celebrated the Harvest Festival and worshipped together as a wider St Edward's family. The Head boy and Girl opened the celebration and worship leaders led us in prayer.

Each class was represented by their school councillors as they offered harvest donations which were to be given to the Sittingbourne food bank; a strong supporter of our school and community.

Each class were prepared for the collective celebrations and demonstrated why we come together and give thanks to God.

Performances included:

Year 5 Harvest acrostic poems, a liturgical dance from Year 1, the presentation of Year 3's harvest paintings, Year 4 Harvest prayers, an instrumental version of Harvest Samba from Year 2, and Harvest viewfinder paintings from Year 6.

 Thank you to the strong support from parents and carers with donations and through attending the service; it was fabulous to see so many of you coming to celebrate with us.


Below you will find some harvest photos and videos of our children.

OSCAR ROMERO AWARD - PARTICIPATION AWARD - On Tuesday 28th March 2023, Mrs Blake and Mrs Palmer visited Southwark Cathedral to receive this award on behalf of the staff and children at St Edward's. A lot of work went into achieving this award and we are ever so pleased.

CAFOD Visit - 28/03/23

Bible: Old Testament Story Displays

Celebration of Catholic Social Teaching - Displays

CAFOD - Step up to the Plate

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Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership is an exempt charity and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales under company registration number 08176019 at registered address Barham Court, Teston, Kent, ME18 5BZ. St Edward's Catholic Primary School is a business name of Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership.
