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St Edward's Catholic Primary School

Term 1

Welcome to Year 4! Here is our learning leaflet for the term, which will tell you everything you need to know about our learning for the term.

We attended our Trust's Beginning of Year Mass this term. We travelled to Aylesford where we celebrated Mass with every school from our Trust before sharing a picnic lunch on the lawn.

At the end of this term, we had a really big, but also a bit scary, occasion - we held an assembly! We all had to learn our lines and perform to the school and our grown ups from home. It went really well and we were all really proud of ourselves afterwards.

We were really lucky to be invited to attend a Cleaner Coasts workshop at the beach this term; this was an extension to the Beach School that we attended in year 2. When we arrived at the beach, we took part in four different activities: a beach clean, picking up litter; playing a story game about looking after the planet; finding shells and stones with holes in; and using binoculars and a telescope to find specific birds.


After lunch, one of our workshop leaders, Belinda, joined us in school to help us understand more about the trouble with plastic, creating a timeline for how long different materials take to biodegrade. Next, we decorated some shells and stones to create a necklace each.

This term, we were lucky to have a visitor from Kent County Council to talk to us about Road Safety. We completed a game about high visibility clothing to help us understand different ways to be seen in the winter before reminding ourselves of the Green Cross Code of: 






Hold Hands

We've also had a really important online workshop that we took part in from Kent, Surrey and Sussex Air Ambulance, called Restart a Heart. We learnt about what the air ambulance is and how it can make a difference to someone surviving when something goes wrong. Next, we learnt how to complete CPR by practising on a cuddly toy.

In RE, we've been learning how to find specific scripture in the Bible. We learnt to use the book, chapter and verse references to find stories. We also recapped the story of Abraham, Joseph, Moses and David before comparing their personal qualities to see what we could learn from them.

In Science, we've been learning about the states of matter. We started by acting like the states, with tight particles for solids, looser particles for liquids and unconnected particles for gases. Next, we melted solid chocolate into liquid; condensed our breath (gas) into liquid on a window and evaporated liquid handprints into gas. Finally, we learnt about the water cycle.

In Geography, we learnt to locate the countries of the UK on a map before finding different counties. Next, we learnt about lines of latitude and their importance to climate zones. We then extended this learning into lines of longitude and latitude, navigating around the world using those coordinates. Finally, we took this learning into Europe, looking at the coordinates for European countries and thinking about why the Mediterranean Sea is warmer than the English Channel.

In Art, we learnt about the artist Georges Seurat and the Pointillist art movement that he started. We learnt about optical mixing - where Seurat only used primary coloured dots and let the eye mix them to make colours; we found this really tricky. We also studied landscapes, before creating our own landscape in the Pointillist style.

In Maths, we've been learning about thousands and how they are ten times bigger than hundreds. We used place value charts to compare and order 4-digit numbers before learning how to round then to the nearest ten, hundred and thousand. Finally, we used our place value charts to help us with formal, written addition.

In English, we've been using Talk for Writing to study a meeting narrative and a persuasive letter. We learnt to speak the narrative before learning how to punctuate direct speech throughout it. Next, we learnt to speak a persuasive letter before using this exaggeration and persuasive language to write our own letter.

In Music, we've been learning about motifs by singing a song about Romans; we then learnt to play the xylophone along with the song.

In PE, we've been learning about balance and perseverance. We learnt to keep our backs straight and our heads up to stop us wobbling; we also learnt to keep trying when things got tough.

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Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership is an exempt charity and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales under company registration number 08176019 at registered address Barham Court, Teston, Kent, ME18 5BZ. St Edward's Catholic Primary School is a business name of Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership.
