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St Edward's Catholic Primary School

Term 1

Welcome to Year 1 St Matthew Class


God's Great Plan - we enjoyed time outside looking at some of God's creations. We spent time wondering about the world and observing patterns in the clouds. We then went inside and painted beautiful things God has made and put in the world for us to enjoy and care for.


We have been learning the story, 'Whiffy Wilson: the Wolf Who Wouldn't go to School.' We have learned about adjectives and how to use them which helped us write a character description for Whiffy Wilson.

We 'talked' our character description and made actions to support our writing.

Whiffy Wilson Character Description

Still image for this video


In Maths, we have been learning about number and place value within 10. We got to enjoy the outside learning environment and counted out amounts using natural objects.


We have been working hard observing seasonal change and have observed the weather this term. We have had windy days, rainy days and warm, sunny days - all in Autumn!

We have begun to notice how the season changes by observing how trees on the school field change.


In Geography we have been learning about the world and continents.

We made globes by painting them blue and green; blue for the sea and green for the land.


We have been busy colour mixing primary colours to make secondary colours. We have painted harvest fruit and vegetables to make a harvest face inspired by Arcimboldo. We offered this during the Harvest Mass. 

We learned about the artist Alma Thomas during Black History Month and created paintings using blocks.


We have begun to learn how to stay safe online by creating our own avatars on Purple Mash. we have also learned to log on independently.


During PE, we have learned how to follow instructions. We rode imaginary bikes and became pirates whilst learning to balance on one leg.


We drew pictures of ourselves and talked about what makes us special.


Using our voices, we learned about rhythm and pitch. We clapped out the rhythm to a song before we sang about our names and favourite foods.

End of Term Celebration

On the last day of Term 1, we celebrated the term's learning with our grown ups. We got to talk about and share our books in class. Thank you to all the grown ups who were able to attend.

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Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership is an exempt charity and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales under company registration number 08176019 at registered address Barham Court, Teston, Kent, ME18 5BZ. St Edward's Catholic Primary School is a business name of Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership.
