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- St. Edward's Denominational Inspection Report: March 2020 8th April 2020
- When I can't get to Church 24th March 2020
Calendar Dates
- Swimming - Year 5 11th February 2025
- Parent's evening 12th February 2025 at 15:30
Our leaders for Terms 1 and 2 are:
School Council - Annabelle and Jaxson
Eco Committee - Jackson and Scarlett
Science Ambassadors - Maile and Ethan
Welcome to Year 1!
We have enjoyed our learning in Year 1 this week and are stepping up to the challenges the year is bringing already. In English we have started the term learning the play 'A Midsummer Night's Dream'. We created story maps to help us retell the story and acted out the play in our very own puppet theatres.
In Maths we have learned all about numbers and have been counting and ordering numbers to 10 and 20. Take a look at our learning below.
This week in English we used our story maps to act out A Midsummer Night's Dream with our talk partners. OUr Maths lessons were all about pairs of numbers that make 10 - we used Numicon, tens frames and even pegs on coat hangers to help us!
We learned about the wonders of Creation in RE; we made a beautiful box for our RE focal area and filled it with some of the wonderful things we found in school that God has made for us. Some of us brought in beautiful things from home that God has made.
The class weather detectives went on the hunt for signs of Autumn in Science this week. We all went outside to help - we found colourful leaves and puddles!
In RE we learned The Creation Story; we ordered the 7 days of Creation and used story stones, water and sand to retell the Bible story. In Maths we have been working hard to order numbers - there were missing numbers and even muddled up numbers! We learned about adjectives in English to help describe Puck's appearance and character; he is a cheeky fairy with a green, leafy body. In Science we learned about the wind. We made our very own wind socks and tested them out to measure wind direction.
We made a huge map of the world on the playground in Geography and learned that there are 7 continents; we sang a very catchy song that we cannot get out of our heads! In Art, we collected natural materials and used them as paintbrushes to explore secondary colours.
In English this week we took part in a workshop for 'A Midsummer Night's Dream.' We were very excited and got to act and dress up as some of the characters. Towards the end of the week, we recited poetry - scroll down to watch some of our recitals.
In Maths we have been adding using lots of resources - we used Numicon, dominoes, number fans to find one more than, and add.
We have been getting ready for the Harvest Festival and this year we have taken part in CAFOD's 'Step up to the Plate' campaign. We painted harvest plates to show our thoughts on ending global food poverty.
Science learning this week has been about the rain, we went outside in the rain to observe the weather and link it to the seasons.
In PE we have been 'riding our bikes' whilst learning how to hop, skip and gallop.
We have been using our senses to find signs of Autumn. This week we played 'I Spy' in English and found colourful leaves. In Science we have been learning about temperature. We measure the temperature outside and recorded our findings in our Science floor book. We used our sense of touch to feel different temperatures of water.
On Friday this week we celebrated the Harvest Festival. Year 1 sang, 'He's Got the Whole World in His Hands.' Some of us read in front of the whole school. We had so many donations of food - thank you very much.
This week has seen more practical learning in English as we have continued to learn about signs of Autumn using our senses. We walked in leaves and heard them crunch, we could smell the damp leaves and we even tasted milky hot chocolate and creamy pumpkin soup!
In Geography we have been learning more about the world - we used atlases to locate the 7 continents and found the continent of Europe.
Today we learnt about our saint, Saint Edward. We found out that St Edward was a king of England, the only English king to be made a saint. We learnt about the King Edward crown, the Bayeux Tapestry, where St Edward is buried and painted St Edward crosses. We now know lots about our school saint.
Our last week of term started with a walk to the beach in Geography. We learned how to follow a map and we recorded landmarks of Sheerness on the way. When we go to the beach, we could see the land and the sea.
In Maths we have been learning about 2d shape. We went on a shape hunt around school to see which shapes we could recognise and find.
We ended our painting learning in Art by painting Autumn landscapes using secondary and tertiary colours. Some of these are on display in school.
In English we wrote up our Autumn sense poems and were very proud of our writing. We finished the week learning more about Noah's Ark in RE and what a rainbow means. We painted, coloured and made collages of rainbows as well as writing thank you prayers to God.
At the end of Term 1 we welcomed our grown ups into class to celebrate the amazing learning we have achieved so far. We got to share the work in our books, on display and in our floor books. Thank you to all the grown ups who could make it.
Below you will see a collection of displays we have made this term which have helped us in our learning and show off the amazing work we have achieved.