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- St. Edward's Denominational Inspection Report: March 2020 8th April 2020
- When I can't get to Church 24th March 2020
Calendar Dates
- Swimming - Year 5 28th January 2025
- Swimming - Year 5 4th February 2025
Our PE Lead is Mrs. King
At St Edward’s Catholic Primary School we believe that PE is essential to the academic, social, emotional, spiritual and physical development of all children. An effective PE curriculum will improve children’s confidence and raise their self-esteem, as well as enabling them to develop positive attitudes about maintaining a healthy lifestyle. It will encourage good sportsmanship and team work skills and therefore better equip them to be able to participate fluently within their social and work communities - as well as within sport – make and maintain effective healthy relationships, become aware of and monitor their own health and be able to assess risks and be comfortable when making ‘safe’ risk choices.
The main aims of PE are:
At St Edward’s we use RealPE as a base for our planning - this unique, child-centred approach challenges and supports every child. Staff use the Learning Nutrition document to focus on ambition, personalised outcomes, praise, celebration, review of progress, coaching and support of others as well as control and keeping ourselves safe.
All learning outcomes are taken from the National Curriculum schemes of work in order to ensure there is a progression of skills throughout EYFS, KS1 and KS2. We use RealPE and RealGym to guide our planning of the majority of the PE curriculum but augment this with dance, swimming, variations of bikeability (according to age and stage of development), speed stacking and cricket.
Swimming and water safety is taught to all of children in KS2 by qualified swimming coaches at a local pool.
All classes have the opportunity to participate in an extra-curricular sporting activities each year. The school is increasing its participation in inter-school competitions as well as intra-school tournaments. It is the subject leader’s responsibility to book these events and to organize participants and staff to support.
All children and staff should change into suitable clothing for PE which allows freedom of movement.
Children with long hair should have it tied back during PE and all jewellery must be removed by the child. If a child cannot remove their earrings as they have been pierced within 6 weeks, the parent must provide a plaster or tape to surround the earring and must be applied by the child themselves.
A risk assessment will be carried out prior to the lesson when facilities, apparatus and equipment is checked by the teacher or coach. When handling and setting up apparatus, children must be supervised by an adult in order to ensure this is carried out safely. At St. Edward's we conduct annual inspections of all our PE equipment. Records of their inspections can be found within the main school office.
Parents are invited to annual sporting events which involve their children, including our sports day. Throughout the year children are selected to represent the school in local, sometimes national, sporting festivals and KCSP organized events and where possible, parents are invited to attend to show their support.
There are a wide range of clubs offered by the school each week, although this changes according to the time of year and ongoing feedback from the children. Many of these are run for free by external coaches or for a minimal fee. We are actively involved with a number of local clubs and organisations, including karate, Irish dancing, multisports, football and are always looking for different groups to add to the range of activities offered to our children and the wider community.
Creating positive teaching habits to develop positive learning behaviours
Welcome to our academic year 2024/ 2025!
We begin this term with three afterschool clubs:
Mondays- 3.15-4.15pm- Multi sports
Wednesdays- 3.15-4.15pm- Karate
Thursdays- 3.15-4.15pm- Irish Dancing
Learning to ride a bike at St Edward's
At St Edward's we pride ourselves in striving to achieve Level 2 in the National Standards outcomes, that are set by the Department for Transport, by the end of Year 6.
With only 2% of the UK population using a bike for their journey to school or work, our aim is to promote healthier travel (both for the environment and the rider).
Learning to ride a bike begins in EYFS with Balance bikes. This progresses to Learn To Ride (small bikes without stabilisers) in Year 1 and 2. Year 5 and 6 children then have the opportunity to complete the Level 1 and Level 2 assessments. Throughout this academic year, we have seen our children thrive in their confidence and ability to ride a bike at their age and stage appropriate level. A majority of year 6s will now move on to secondary school having completed the training course and being able to ride on the roads safely. They have also been taught how to ensure that their bikes, and helmets, are safe to use: using a roadworthy checklist prior to going out on the roads.
Celebrations of our learning from 2023-2024
St. Edward's at the Dynamos cricket tournament- Kent Spitfire Ground
On Thursday 27th June, 9 children from St. Edward's represented the school at the Dynamos cricket tournament. This was held at the Kent Spitfire Cricket Club. Children from Year 4, 5 and 6 played against four other teams- from primary schools in Kent. Players from the Kent team were there to coach the children and give them tips of how to improve their skills. We met Tawanda Muyeye, Matt Parkinson, Nathan Gilchrist and Jack Leaning. We had a fabulous time and we learnt a lot about the rules and skills involved in playing Dynamos cricket: really working together as a team.
St. Edward's at the Kent Spitfire Cricket Ground- Monday 24th June
On Monday 24th June, some pupils from Year 5 travelled to Canterbury to watch Essex play a test match against Lancashire. Linked to the Country Style Recycling School Day Out, the children were able to watch some test cricket as well as participate in many activities. These games promoted the skills and areas for consideration needed by cricket players and the pupils enjoyed the experience of playing a match having looked at their accuracy of throwing; reaction times as well as hand-to-eye co-ordination when throwing and catching a ball. Have a look at the pictures to see what else we got up to!
St Edward's Whole-school Sports Day 2024
On Friday 21st July, we celebrated our whole-school sports day at St. Edward's. Being blessed with good weather for the afternoon, the children, staff and families enjoyed the activities on the school field. The children worked brilliantly in their teams and made the competition and celebrations a true pleasure to be a part of. We were well supported by our school community who participated in the adult races to close the afternoon of sports.
The Great Big Dance Off, National Finals- The New Theatre Oxford
The St. Edward's dance team have committed to weekly rehearsals since January: winning the Regional Finals in March and then setting their sights higher to the National Finals in June. On Wednesday 19th June, children, families and staff made the trek to The New Theatre in Oxford, where 32 teams danced their hearts out to impress the judges. The team's choreographer, Sienna, is an ex-pupil of the primary school and has supported the group all the way through.
Results for the St. Edward's team- The Inspirational Mix-Ups- were the following, (each score being out of a maximum of 30):
Creativity 24
Complexity 24
Formation 25
Synchronization and timing 24
Spacing and dynamics 26
Placement 23
Strength and fluidity 25
Technique 25
Eye contact 26
Crowd appeal 26
Our total score was 248 which puts us in 5th place, nationally: a truly amazing achievement for The Inspirational Mix-Ups.
We are already looking forward to preparing again for the next academic year: we have many more budding dancers who are looking forward to having the opportunity to take part in the Great Big Dance Off 2025.
Learn2Ride with Year 2- Wednesday 20th March
Yesterday, our Year 2 children attended a Learn2Ride day with Take Pride. This training built upon the balance bike activities that they participated in last year and will prepare them for 'Bike ability' skills in KS2. All children made huge progress across the day, some beginning as non-riders and progressing to perfect riding by the end of the day.
The day enabled all children to be challenged at their own personal level and every child received a certificate to recognise their outstanding effort and progress made across the day.
Well done, Year 2. You are superstars!
Biggest Ever Football Session- Friday 8th March
On Friday the 8th March, we joined the nation in taking part in the 'Biggest Ever Football Session.' Sixty-eight girls, from EYFS up to Year 6, took part in the lunchtime activities. We practised passing to each other, penalty shoot-outs and playing a game of football. The TSC coach joined in the activities to help the girls have the very best experience and join in the national initiative. Take a look at the pictures below.
The Great Big Dance Off 2024
On Tuesday 5th March, the dance team ‘Inspirational Mix-ups' travelled to the Chatham Central Theatre to participate in the regional dance competition, ‘The Great Big Dance Off’. This was the second year that St. Edward’s attended the event: having performed with a team of 30 students last year.
The team was supported by an ex-pupil, who helped choreograph and develop the dance skills of all 12 children across six weeks. Time has been dedicated by Mrs King and Mrs Heath to support after-school sessions to make this possible.
The team had an amazing afternoon at the venue and it was wonderful to, once again, see the talent of other schools around the county. The behaviour and respect demonstrated was impeccable and the support given towards each other, and other teams, was commendable. Families from the school community, supported the event: travelling to the venue and cheering us on. It is with great pride to announce that The ‘Inspirational mix-ups' won the event with an incredible 271 marks out of a possible 300. The next part of this adventure will see the team perform at the National competition, in Oxford, on 19th June 2024.
Well done to all involved in this great adventure. We are very much looking forward to getting ready for the national competition in June!
St Edward's participated in a multi skills festival that had been organised by Sittingbourne and Sheppey Games.
The children completed a round robin of activities that developed coordination, movement and control. Points were awarded throughout the afternoon and the teams worked together to improve their skills and celebrate their achievements.
Cup stacking for Year 3 and Year 4
Year 3 and Year 4 completed a cup-stacking training session where they were introduced to the skills needed to successfully and competitively stack against the clock. Once practiced, tournaments were held to see who could complete the challenge in the quickest time.
Chance to Shine Cricket
Year 3 and year 4 participated in a speed stacking training day. The morning was filled with fun activities to develop co-ordination and essential skills for the activity: the afternoon saw tournaments between the two year groups.
'Sports For Schools' sponsored fitness circuit
On Wednesday 24th January, we had a visit from a GB Invictus competitor: Darran Challis. To date, Darran has achieved many personal goals, including: completing several marathons: participating in the Invictus games (including cycling and swimming) and taking part in a 300-mile Triathlon along with a UK Ironman.
Throughout the afternoon, all of the children participated in a sponsored fitness circuit before attending an assembly with Darran, learning about his aspirational experiences. We then had a question and answer session where Darran taught us more about his incredible journey.
Children will now be busy collecting their sponsorship money. Funds raised will support the charity -Sports for schools- as well as be used to buy more sports equipment for St. Edward's.
In total, we have raised over £2400, from the generosity of the families here. A voucher worth £1300 has been given to the school to invest in PE within the curriculum and wish lists have been created by the children to bring more opportunities to them as a direct result of this event. As a result of the fundraising, children have received prizes from ‘Sports for Schools’ as a sign of their appreciation and the children’s achievements. Well done and a huge ‘thank you’ to the children and families of St. Edward’s Catholic Primary School!
This term we have started lunchtime football clubs: Wednesday is for girls and Friday is for boys. We have also have an afterschool football club running every Monday. Keep an eye on social media to look for updates on these clubs!
Continuing our link with Kent Cricket Club, Jamie Harris has returned to train some of the Year 5 children to be cricket playleaders. Once trained, the children will be teaching other members of St Edward's School community, how to play the game of cricket. This will be another of our lunchtime activities that the children can embrace as we follow the path of the school's mission and achieve in God's love.
On Wednesday 8th March, the girls at St. Edward's will be playing football, during their lunch hour, to participate in the national initiative that is taking place: giving every girl the chance to play football. With this falling on International Women's Day, we hope that the girls will enjoy the opportunity to show their skills and develop their love for the game of football.
Despite the weather, forty girls participated in the Let Girls Play activity: practising their skills and enjoying the opportunity to play together.
Great Big Dance Off competition
On Monday 27th March, 30 children from years 3, 4, 5 and 6 made their way to the Central Theatre in Chatham. Their dance team, known as 'The Inspirations' had choreographed their own routine and performed in front of a packed theatre. We were lucky to have support from our St. Edward's families as the children made us very proud. Their overall score was 194/ 300: gaining high points for crowd appeal.
A huge congratulations goes out to all of the dancers.
On Thursday 27th April, children from every year group participated in the World Daily Mile Challenge. The weather was kind to us and we enjoyed spending time outside, joining in the world-wide challenge.
KCSP Trust Sports Day- Monday 26th June
Today, 4 children from each class- Year 3 to Year 6-represented the school for the Trust Sports Day. The children rose to the challenge of completing the standing long jump; vortex throw; running races with distances between 50 metres and 400 metres as well as a final team relay race. The children were all amazing and have made the school community very proud in their achievements: a bronze in the standing long jump; a gold in the vortex throwing and three second-places in the running heats. Well done to all who participated!
St Edward's Sports Day 2023
A big 'thank you' to all of our families who supported our sports day. Your children put on a great show of team work, resilience, sportsmanship and determination. From the egg and spoon race to the obstacle course, every child tried their hardest and continue to show the values of St Edwards as they strive to achieve their very best.
The TSC football coach spoke to the whole school about his journey into becoming a sports coach. Having overcome so many hurdles to get where he is now, on his apprenticeship, he inspired us all to work hard and use perseverance and resilience to inspire others.