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- Swimming - Year 5 28th January 2025
- Swimming - Year 5 4th February 2025
Welcome back to Term 5. This week year 6 have started as they mean to go on; they've settled back into their learning and have all worked extremely hard. This week, we have began a new unit of English writing based on a short video clip titled Alma. The children loved the video and were hooked instantly. In Science, the children began working on a new topic: Light. They were investigating how light travels and why shadows are the same shape as an object. Due to the weather, PE needed to take place indoors which meant Speed Staking in classroom. SATs revision is happening constantly and a letter will be sent home, shortly.
This week, Year 6 took part in a road safety workshop where they learnt how to keep themselves safe when outside and near road. They were shown the importance of staying off their phone when crossing a road and why they should remove a headphone when near a road to be able to hear cars and sirens. Year 6 have continued their science learning this week by investigating if light actually travels in straight lines. RE this week had a focus on Pentecost. The children watched a video clip before working in groups to use musical instruments to compose music. Their composition needed to convey the thoughts and feelings of the Apostles during Pentecost.
This week, as SATs are drawing nearer, the children have worked extremely hard revising and deserve a well-earned rest, therefore, they have began learning the songs for their end of year production. On Friday, we spent the morning preparing for the upcoming afternoon festivities, in celebration of the King's coronation: creating posters to celebrate the coronation and making crowns to wear during the afternoon feast.
SATs week! The children have all worked extremely hard and we are all immensely proud of each and every one of them. To help settle them each morning, the children have enjoyed eating breakfast together and to finish the week off we all enjoyed a tasty McDonald's lunch, on Friday. During the week, the children even found time to finish writing their Alma narrative and to begin reading their end-of-year production script. Keep up the fantastic work Year 6; you're all superstars!
We recognise the huge support that the families and school community have given the children: thank you to everyone.
This week, Year 6 have have written balanced argument based on the Three Little Pigs. Before they began their writing, we held a debate to argue the following statement: the pigs did nothing wrong in boiling the wolf! This then became the focus of the writing. The focus for this week's RE lesson was Peter the Apostle. The children worked in groups to studying and analyse a piece of scripture. For Science, the children were using the idea that light travels in straight lines to explain that objects are seen because they give out or reflect light into the eye. This week, the children have also began a two week gardening project: they have been weeding and tidying garden areas within the school and will also plant new flowers.
We made it: the end of term is here! Year 6 have had a busy last week of term and they have all worked extremely hard and produced some fantastic writing. This week, the children have finished writing up their English recounts of a favourite memory of primary school. In Science, they children have investigated how shadows work and in RE they have created newspaper reports with a focus on Pentecost. Throughout the week, the children have even found time to do a spot of gardening around the school grounds. Finally, we would all like to wish the fabulous Mrs. Palmer a wonderful happy birthday. Mrs. Palmer will be celebrating her 21st birthday during the half term break. Happy Birthday Mrs. Palmer.