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- St. Edward's Denominational Inspection Report: March 2020 8th April 2020
- When I can't get to Church 24th March 2020
Calendar Dates
- Swimming - Year 5 11th February 2025
- Parent's evening 12th February 2025 at 15:30
Our learning displays for this term:
In RE, we've been looking at Mass. To show all of our learning, we acted out Mass today in groups.
We have been working really hard all term to practise our Passion Play - and this week, we showed our grown ups. Though we were nervous, it went really well and we were fantastic.
To help us celebrate Easter, we took part in an Easter Egg Hunt around the playground. It was really good fun.
To celebrate the end of another successful term, we went to celebrate Mass at our parish church with our parish and school family.
In History, we looked at the story of Pocahontas and how there are two different versions: one written and one oral. We were surprised how different they were.
It's the last week of term so we had an exciting Easter Bonnet Parade - look at the lovely bonnets we made at home.
In Maths, we've been learning to tell the time. We reminded ourselves of the minute and hour hands, as well as the hour hand using the name of the "bigger" numbers and the minutes having 5 minutes per number. It is all very confusing!
In Science, we received a letter asking for our help to identify how old a person was from their bones. The writer, an archaeologist, had 5 bones: a tibia, a humerus, a spinal column, a rib and a skull. Our problem was we didn't know the bone names so we decided we'd better learn them before we could help our archaeologist friend next week.
We went on a really exciting trip this week: we walked to Sheerness Library! When we got there, we listened to a story together; we were then able to pick a book to read on our own or with a partner. We had a really fun time - and we even got to take home forms so out grown-ups can help us join! This way, we can borrow books whenever we want!
In RE this week, we were looking at the importance of listening to the readings in Mass. We started by playing listening games to help us think about good listening before being Bible Detectives to find the readings that may be read out to us.
In English, we've started learning about persuasive letters. To help us know what a good one sounds like, we have been learning to speak a model text. We've even put actions to it to help us remember!
In Maths, we've been re-visiting number, thinking about the size of the numbers and ordering them from smallest to biggest. Here we are, using random numbers to put in order to make it more tricky for us!
To continue celebrating Science Week, we learnt about why we need a skeleton and muscles. To remind us about our skeletons, we split animals into groups based on whether they are invertebrates or vertebrates. We then made a model of our arm to help us understand why we need the bone and the muscle to be able to move.
What an exciting start we've had to British Science Week! We attended an online science day with our trust and Tom Holloway from PSTT, where Tom set us a challenge to complete and investigate. We had to make seismometers to check how noisy / shaky the ground that the seismometer was standing on was. We tested as a class so that we didn't skew each other's results.
In DT, we continued our learning about food technology. We started by reminding ourselves of the chopping skills. We then moved on to identifying the five different tastes we have - by trying the different foods.
In PE, we've been using our creative minds to help us with our throwing and catching skills. We were trying to "juggle" today in pairs - throwing and catching in a sequence. We found this really tough!
In History this week, we started looking at secondary sources to make a conclusion about the relationships between Native Americans and European settlers and colonists. To do this, we played a game called "Friends or Enemies?"
In Maths, we've started revisiting place value in money. To help us order the amounts, we played a game where we made an amount of money and compared it with our friends'.
In Science this week, we investigated the nutrition found in our food. We were really shocked at how much fat, protein, carbohydrate and fibre we found - some in a good way, some not so good!
We had a fantastic opportunity today to help the year 5 children who were learning to become Play Leaders. While the year 5's were undergoing their training, we were the children that they practised on. It was great fun helping them and learning cricket again.
We celebrated World Book Day this term! Here is our class photo, showing off all our beautiful outfits; then, see below for the fantastic book-themed activities we completed.
We continued our historical mapping this week in History, looking at where the European settlers and colonists came from and where they were most likely to land in North America. We then began to think about how we would feel if we were Native Americans.
This term in Science, we are learning about Animals Including Humans. To begin our unit, we learnt about the different nutrients in our food. We then had to find out what each nutrient did and what food it could be found in.
In RE for week 1, we looked at the Jewish religion, particularly around their celebration of Shabbat - a day of complete rest. To help us understand how important this is, we role-played interviewing each other to discuss how important Shabbat is and what Jewish people do during Shabbat.
Another busy term had started! This week, we began out history learning by applying our geography from last term - locating the Rocky mountains in North America. This then enabled us to use secondary source evidence to locate where different Native American tribes lived.