Latest News
- St. Edward's Denominational Inspection Report: March 2020 8th April 2020
- When I can't get to Church 24th March 2020
Calendar Dates
- Swimming - Year 5 21st January 2025
- KCC Road Safety workshop - Years R, 1 & 2 21st January 2025
Term 2
Welcome to Term 2 in Year R St Edwards Class! We have been working really hard this term.
In Maths we have been learning to count, numbers 1-5, one more, one less, and identify circles, triangles and 4 sided shapes.
In English we have been reading The Dinosaur that pooped Christmas! We have done some exiting activities linking to this.
We have still been progressing with our phonics lessons, learning and recapping a new sound each day. The impact of this is beginning to show in our early writing.
In Understanding Our World, we have been learning all about Fossils and Dinosaurs. We were even lucky enough to have an amazing workshop from Maidstone Museum to help us with our learning.
We are so exited to have started our Christmas Nativity! We can not wait for you to come and see us perform. We also had an RE lesson learning all about Sikhism.
Term 1
Welcome to Year R St Edwards Class! We have been super busy settling into the routine of school.
Welcome to Year R St Edwards Class! We have been super busy settling into the routine of school.
In Maths we will be focusing on matching, sorting, comparing, size, mass and patterns. We have been doing lots of practical activities to help us with this.
In English, our main text is We're Going on a Bear Hunt'. Please see our pictures to see the exiting activities we have been doing!
We are so excited to have started our phonics lessons. Each morning, we have been learning a brand new sound to support us in our early writing.
In RE we have been learning about God’s World. We are beginning to understand the things God created. We have been doing activities such as walking around our school to find things that God created.
In Understanding the World, we are learning all about Autumn and Maps.
We are looking forward to working even harder and having more fun for the rest of the term.