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- St. Edward's Denominational Inspection Report: March 2020 8th April 2020
- When I can't get to Church 24th March 2020
Calendar Dates
- Swimming - Year 5 11th February 2025
- Parent's evening 12th February 2025 at 15:30
Week 1
The children have bounced back straight into the swing of their learning after a restful break and started some great work this week.
In maths, we have been investigating money and using coins to work out how we can pay for items. We finished this area of learning by setting up our very own shop.
In History, the children were so excited to learn all about our new topic of Extreme Explorers with our very own explorer bear. We began the topic by going on our very expedition around the school to find famous explorers. We then placed them on a timeline and on a map of the world where they explored.
In English, we have started to learn all about fact files and have begun to write our own fact file all about foxes. So watch this space for some great work on fact files.
In P.E. the children had great fun practising their ball skills by keeping a ball under control whilst using different parts of their body.
Congratulations to our certificate winners for this week.
Week 2
This week in English, the children have worked exceptionally hard to finish their fact files all about foxes. They have taken great pride in their work and started to think about the language and the layout of a fact file.
The children had a fantastic day, all dressed up in their book characters to celebrate World Book Day. We looked at the front covers of a book and became illustrators of a book to design a front cover. We had fun in the afternoon, sharing our books with other classes whilst enjoying eating some popcorn.
We had great fun helping the year 5 children with their play leader teaching and learning new cricket skills along the way.
Finally this week, our RE was based around Mass and what happens during Mass. We thought back to when we went to Mass on Ash Wednesday and the different things that happen during a Mass and why they might happen. We had great fun working together in building the different parts that are used during Mass from lego.
Congratulations to our certificate winners for this week.
Week 3
This week in DT, the children were really excited to make their own fruit salad. They showed off their skills of cutting up the fruit after discussing why we need lots of fruit and vegetables from their knowledge in science previously. They were then able to taste their creation and express how it tasted.
In maths, we have been learning to make equal groups building up to linking this to repeated addition and starting to learn our times tables.
In English, the children have been starting to write a persuasive letter to allow them to have a pet. They have looked at the language used in a persuasive letter and written lots of powerful sentences ready to write their final letter.
To end the week, the children had a fantastic time on Science Day, planning and building their own bird's nest. In the afternoon they tested their nest to see if it would withstand the weather and if it was able to hold some eggs.
Congratulations to our award winners this week.
Week 4
Congratulations to our certificate winners for this week.
This week in English, the children have finished writing their persuasive letters to a loved one trying to convince them to buy them a pet of their own. The children have worked hard in using persuasive language to improve their writing.
In maths, the children have continued to understand the term multiplication and what this means and how we can use our times tables to solve everyday problems.
The children enjoyed a trip to the library on Tuesday where they were able to look at and read various books that the library has to offer.
In R.E. we learnt about the readings at Mass and what they meant. The children realised the importance of listening and how the readings at Mass teach us lessons from God. We played a game of 'Pass the message on' at the beginning of the lesson to get us thinking about why we need to listen.
The children had a fun day on Friday, dressed up in red, to help raise money for Comic Relief. The children were excited to spot the dance moves of the teachers and even took part in a whole school Conga around the school.
Week 5
The children started off the week by having an exciting time learning to ride a bike and perfecting their skills. They all showed great enthusiasm and above all perseverance to get better. Well done to all the children
In English we have been writing instructions on how to make vegetable soup so we took a trip to Tesco on Tuesday armed with out list of ingredients to buy. We have spent the rest of our English lessons writing the instructions on how to make the soup which we can't wait to make next week.
In D.T. we continued learning all about healthy food by sampling some healthy foods to go in a lunch box and then designed and labelled our own healthy lunch box.
In RE, we talked about what the Offertory and the Consecration part of a Mass meant. We thought about the gifts we could offer to Jesus and then we acted it out in small groups.
Congratulations to out certificate winners for this week.
Week 6
Wow! What a busy fun filled week we had to end the term.
The week started on Monday with a whole school Easter Bonnet Parade where the children strutted their stuff to show off the wonderful creations they had made. Congratulations to all the children for all their hard work and enthusiasm.
On Tuesday, the children got to make their vegetable soup that they had been eagerly anticipating and preparing for in English, DT and Science. They were able to use their cutting skills and were excited to taste the outcome.
On Wednesday the whole school attended Mass in church where the children were exceptionally well behaved and were able to think about the various parts of the Mass which we have been studying in our RE lessons. In the afternoon, we had great fun hunting for their Easter eggs with an Easter egg hunt (Thankfully the weather was kind to us).
Sadly we said goodbye to Mrs Riordan but we will be sure to keep her updated on the amazing things and progress that the children will make in the coming 2 terms.
On Thursday, we were fortunate to have a special guest in our English lesson to stimulate us to produce some amazing writing and improve our short burst descriptive writing we have been working on this week.
To conclude our History topic on Extreme Explorers we made some space rockets to represent those used by Neil Armstrong and Tim Peeke.
Congratulations to our certificate winners for this week. Amazing effort!