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- Swimming - Year 6 17th September 2024
- Y3 & Y4 Road Safety workshop 18th September 2024
This term, we've worked incredibly hard in all areas of our learning. Here are the display celebrations of that learning.
To celebrate the end of another term's hard work, we invited our grown ups in so we could show them our books and our learning. We are very proud of our achievements from this term.
In our end of term celebration assembly, one of our very own class mates won the AR 100% Club prize! Here she is, receiving her prize.
In Geography, we've been learning about climate zones across North America. We previously studied the mountains, learning about why their climate was different from that around them; this week, we discovered that the mountains also help to create arid climates! Here we are, discussing where we think the arid climate will be in North America.
We had a celebration of Safer Internet day today: we took part in a BBC live lesson, where we helped design a new game, thinking about how to keep safe online, designing a new superhero to keep us safe and writing an acrostic poem to remind people how to keep safe. We also took part in a quiz: we knew nearly all of the app logos - lots more than Mrs. Rowse did!
For our last lesson of Working Scientifically this term, we put all of our skills to the test at once! We had to set up a simple scientific enquiry using our fair test knowledge, complete the test and then record and report on our findings! Phew, what a lot of skills we have learnt!
In RE, we've been looking at reconciliation. To help us understand how God always wants us to reconcile with Him, we learnt the story of the lost sheep. We learnt to re-tell the story before thinking about how the shepherd is like God - always looking out for His flock - and how the sheep are like us - most of the time disciples of Jesus but sometimes straying from the flock and needing to reconcile.
We had a really exciting day this week, raising money for the NSPCC: Number Day! To help us celebrate this day full of numbers, we learnt about the Fibonacci number sequence and created the pattern and an animal from it. We also went outside and used chalk on the playground to help us remember how to count is steps of 3, 4 and 8. We took part in a challenge called Buddy's Key Challenge, solving many puzzles to help us find parts of Buddy's Key. Next, we completed an investigation into numbers, following clues to help us which order the numbers had been placed in. Finally, if all these brilliant number challenges were not enough, we completed some calculations to help us code-break and remember the NSPCC's campaign to "Speak Out, Stay Safe".
This week, we've worked really hard to finish our sewing. We had a double lesson to give us time to sew each part of our lion: the pom-pom to the tail, the tail to the body, the muzzle to the face, the face to the mane and the mane to the body.
We really persevered to show off our knowledge of running stitch and beginners understanding of over stitch.
In D.T, we've been remembering running stitch with a loop start. It was really difficult to get it through the felt!
In RE this week, we've been looking at the Old Testament story of Daniel and the Lions. We enjoyed finding and reading the story in the Bible before acting it out to help us remember it.
In Music, we've been learning sing and repeat songs to help us learn about listening carefully.
In Computing, we've been learning to touch-type. Did you know there are bumps on the letters "j" and "f" to help you know where your fingers are without looking?
We were really lucky to an athlete visitor this week who helped us to raise money for sport in our school - Darran Challis, a para-triathlete. He helped and encouraged us with a circuit of our own before giving us an inspirational talk in assembly.
This week in Science, we developed our understanding of fair testing further by planning a fair enquiry. We had to think about what we needed to keep the same, what we needed to change and what we wanted to measure before we could carry out the investigation as a class.
This term, we have a "time" maths lesson once a week - so we learn the ideas and re-visit them regularly. This week, we were reminding ourselves of drawing half past and quarter past hands: we had to remember that the hour hand not only had to be shorter but had to go slightly past the hour too (or half-way between the two numbers) to show we were "past" the hour.
Year 3 received an exciting gift this term: rocks and crystals! A lovely lady called Ruth donated them to our school! We had an exciting lesson looking through them before making her "Thank You" cards to show our appreciation.
This week, we started to look at running stitch - the easiest of the sewing stitches. We were learning to loop-start (though we really struggled with this after learning to know our thread last lesson) and then running stitch.
This week, we began looking at fair testing in Science - though we didn't know this at first! Mrs. Rowse asked us who could throw a paper aeroplane the furthest. We all made a plane and headed to the playground to test them. But then, we realised that not all of the planes were the same so some people had an advantage or a disadvantage!
Next, we all made the same plane - but our papers were different! Again, we couldn't decide on a winner as the paper affected the way a plane flies.
So, Mrs. Rowse gave us all the same paper - but it was different sizes! We still couldn't tell!
Suddenly, we realised we needed to create a fair test so we could see who's plane really flew the furthest - by keeping everything the same except the child who threw the plane.
In RE this week, we began our unit of Reconciliation. To begin, we thought about times we had fallen out with friends and how we reconciled with them. To help us, we acted out the feelings and actions that might have happened.
On Wednesday of week 2, we had a really exciting reading event: The Reading Roundabout! We got to visit 3 other classes and read a story with their teacher. We then completed a quiz about the characters or drew what we imagined the story, characters or setting looked like. It was really good fun. Most of us decided we liked the year 2 classroom story the best - because we spent longest there so could read more!
In week 2 Science, we were continuing learning how to work scientifically. A big part of this is using our prior knowledge and problem-solving, thinking about why things happen and how we can either stop it or make it better. To help us do this, we thought about an egg: why does it not crack when a hen sits on it? We then used our knowledge of the strength of an arc shape to try to stop an egg falling on its side, instead landing on its end and therefore, not crack.
Unfortunately, none of us were successful but one group, who used a parachute to slow the egg's fall as well, were really close - only a tiny line of crack rather than a full smash!
In Maths on Friday we used clocks to help us show what we understood about time. We had to remember that quarter past meant the minute hand was a quarter of the way around the clock, after the selected hour, with the hour hand also after the hour; while for quarter to, we remembered that the minute hand was a quarter of the way around the circle before o'clock and the hour hand hadn't reached the selected hour yet.
Our "other faith" for this term was Sikhism so we learned about what it is like to be Sikh in Britain today. We considered how they worship, how they help others and whether their religion makes them stand out at all. We did a lot of this through discussion, thinking about how these things would feel if we were Sikh.
In French, we are beginning a unit on musical instruments this term. Here we are, learning how to pronounce them.
This week in DT, we are starting our sewing unit. To begin, we looked at how to thread our thread onto the needle, either putting the thread into the eye or putting the eye over the thread. We then looked at knotting the tails without the knot touching the needle - this bit, we struggled with!
Our first writing focus of this term is poetry, so we've been looking at different poems to help us learn what they need. We then learnt a poem by heart to help us understand the patterns.
This week, we've been investigating what is in soil. We observed closely to see what we could find before digging through the soil and deciding whether what we could see was living, used to be living or had never been living.