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- Swimming - Year 5 11th February 2025
- Parent's evening 12th February 2025 at 15:30
We have worked so hard in our final week of the term, completing our information texts about Queen Elizabeth II and making amounts with arrow cards and money in Maths.
In Science, we finished the term by planting bulbs ready for Spring and in Geography we have been using compasses to find North, South, East and West. For Art we became Monet and painted pictures of our school pond outside in our garden. RE finished the week where we learned about how brave Daniel was when he put his trust in God to save him from the lions den. Take a look at some examples of this week's work.
This week we have been practicing a really tricky skill to jump in tens on a number line from any number. It took us a few days but we got the hang of it in the end! Later on in the week we used Times Table Rock Stars online to practice our multiplication knowledge. We have been learning how to write information texts about Queen Elizabeth 2nd in English and in Art we have been studying Monet, looking at and talking about his beautiful paintings.
Today we celebrated the feast of St Edward who is very special to us all at school. We learned lots in an assembly dedicated to him and in the afternoon Year 2 had a royal banquet fit for a king! Did you know that St Edward was a king of England known as King Edward the Confessor? He is buried in Westminster Abbey in London.
What a busy week we have had this week! In Science we have been looking very closely at sunflowers, harvesting sunflower seeds ready to plant next year and then we painted sunflower pictures taking care to include all the parts we could see by using our science observation skills. Our Geography lessons saw us travel the United Kingdom where we located and learned the names of the 4 countries that make up the UK.
On Friday we learned about the story of Moses and how God chose him to do a very special job. We made Moses craft where we wove baskets for Moses or made a moving picture. Did you know that Moses saved 2 million people!
This week we were very lucky to have owls visit our school. We watched them fly very low above our heads in the hall and learned some interesting facts about them. In PE we have been practicing our balancing skills and in RE we used Science to show how much we trust our friends.
Today we came together as a whole school to celebrate and give thanks for the harvest. Year 2 painted pictures of harvest fruit and vegetables and learned the song, 'Cauliflowers Fluffy.' We performed the song during the Harvest Festival service and brought in lots of donations for our local community.
In Art we have been painting in the style of Van Gogh. We tried hard to use swirls and lines in our landscape paintings.
We have continued to look at the book 'Here We Are' this week and have been learning about the planets. We have also been studying a new book called Beegu by Alexis Deacon. We acted out instructions for our bedtime routine such as brushing our teeth and getting our pyjamas on. We went on a seed hunt in Science and collected so many seeds from our school grounds.
In Maths this week, we have been practicing our basic number skills by ordering numbers to 30, adding and subtracting numbers within 10 and 20, and on Friday we created a city scene by using Numicon to make lots of 2s, 5s and 10s.
In English we have been learning to use question marks and have been asking questions about the universe inspired by the book Here We Are by Oliver Jeffers. This book has led lots of our learning this week and in the afternoons we have enjoyed looking up at the sky and clouds, creating pictures of the sky in ICT and found our place on the planet in Geography.
We learned about Buddhism this week in RE and retold the story of Buddha by acting out parts of the story and sequencing the story.
We have enjoyed getting to know Year 2 and have heard about some of the exciting things we will be learning this year. We started off by learning the poem 'Now We Are Six' by A A Milne and we wrote about all the things we can do now we are six.
We have been making 2 digit numbers in Maths, thought about class rules and have made New Year's Resolutions for this new school year.
As we are called St Mark class, we also created a display for the hall.