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- St. Edward's Denominational Inspection Report: March 2020 8th April 2020
- When I can't get to Church 24th March 2020
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- Swimming - Year 5 28th January 2025
- Swimming - Year 5 4th February 2025
Year 6 have had a fabulous start to the academic year and have settled into their new routine and learning wonderfully. This term all the children have worked extremely hard in all areas of the curriculum.
In English, they have produced two beautiful pieces of writing: a meeting tale and a persuasive letter. In Maths, the children have tackled new units of learning such as long division and BODMAS. In Science, our unit of work has focused on the circulatory system. The children have learnt what makes up the circulatory system; they looked at each part in greater depth as well as how to keep ourself healthy. Our RE lesson have been centred around the Kingdom of God and the values of God's Kingdom. Geography learning has been on the our world within the solar system. The children have learnt all about lines of latitude and longitude, climate zones, time zones, tectonic plates and how the world has evolved our time. Finally, Art lessons have been inspired by the landscape artist Robert Duncanson. All the children have created a wonderful landscape painting inspired by his work.