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- Swimming - Year 5 17th December 2024
- KS1 Nativity to Parents 17th December 2024 at 09:15
Welcome back to a new term. We hope you've had a restful and enjoyable Easter break and are looking forward to some warmer weather.
Below is the timetable, homework and topic leaflet for this term.
With the upcoming SATs approaching soon, below is a useful presentation with all the information need as to how the tests take place and what is involved and how best you can support your children.
The children have been working really hard in all areas of the curriculum since returning after the Easter break.
In English we have been planning and writing a narrative story based on the story, 'Good Dog Lion'. The children have learned about the features of a narrative and pushed themselves to begin to write their own narrative story.
In maths we have learned all about fractions, from halves, quarter, thirds of shapes to how to find a quantity of an amount.
In geography we have furthered our knowledge of The Isle of Sheppey by remembering and recalling things we learned at Beach School in term one and compared this to Egypt, which we found out all about in term 3. The children have amazed us with all the facts they could remember from these earlier topics.
In PE we have be practising our skills of sending and receiving different types of balls and equipment in different ways with control and precision. We have started to put our skills into practice in small game situations.
In art we have been using Michelangelo as inspiration to improve our skills of drawing and sketching.
The children are all loving our working scientifically unit of colour chaos where we have carried out some exciting and fun experiments to help us learn about fair testing, making predictions and drawing conclusions.
The children concluded their RE learning by learning the coming of the Holy Spirit. They acted out the story and made up a dance to represent the sending of The Holy Spirit.
The children have worked hard to continue to do their SATs and have all made an amazing effort. In maths we have started to tell the time by looking at half past, quarter past, quarter to and minutes past.
In English we completed our narrative stories based on the story 'Good dog Lion' and have started to look at Alfie's star in preparation for our class assembly.
The children have loved the science topic, 'Colour Chaos' and the fun experiments we have carried out, including growing rainbows and investigating colour.
We concluded our Geography topic comparing Sheppey to Egypt by taking a walk through the town to look for the local landmarks, shops, buildings and transport we have in Sheppey.
The children enjoyed taking part in the class assembly to help in the crowning of Mary to celebrate May the month of Mary.