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- Swimming - Year 5 11th February 2025
- Parent's evening 12th February 2025 at 15:30
This year, 2022-2023, Year 4 will be taught by Miss Lewis and supported by Mrs Goldsmith and Ms Pollard.
Firstly, welcome back Year 4! We are really looking forward to spending the year with you and sharing lots of fantastic learning.
This week, we have hit the ground running and have dived straight in to our learning.
The whole school is focusing on the book 'A Midsummer Night's Dream' as our first text for English. Here in Yr4, we have been looking at the key themes of the story; love, magic and dreams. Our first Big write will be a descriptive piece of writing describing a dream, taking inspiration from the story.
In maths, we have been looking at Place Value and adding and subtracting from 4 digit numbers. The children have been fantastic at this.
Science, we have started to look at states of matter and classified materials as a liquid or solid. However, we found jelly very confusing!
Geography this term, we will be looking at the Oceans and Continents of the world and will be taking part in using our compass skills.
Finally, in art, we have started to look at the artist Seurat and the technique pointillism. Next week, we will be looking more closely at colour theory and making our own colour theory wheels.
We had lots of fun on number day and enjoyed lots of different activities over the day. Mrs Whittaker showed us how to do Sudoku puzzles and we really enjoyed trying them. Some of us have bought Sudoku puzzle books since because we really liked doing them!
We really enjoyed reading Charlotte's Web in our English lessons. We enjoyed lots of different activities based on the book and in one of our lessons, we did some role play and acted out the scene in the book when the goslings were born.
We had so much fun on World Book Day! We really enjoyed dressing up as our favourite book characters and had a fun afternoon creating our own bookmarks and drawing our favourite book character selfies.
In our geography lessons, we have been learning about South America. We worked in our table groups and each group were given a country in South America to research. Once we had done our research, we then had to put all of the information together and we then had to do a presentation about our country to our class mates.
In music, we looked at Candombe drums which are used to play Candombe music in Uruguay. We all had to bring in a tin can from home and designed a sleeve to go around the tin. We then used a balloon to create the 'skin' of the drum. We used electrical tape to secure the 'skin' to the drum.
Fratelli Tutti
Acting together to make a better world for our future.
Please click on the following link to read more about Fratelli Tutti.
Our subject this term in art is Textiles. We have been exploring different types of textiles and discussed whether they are natural or man made. We are also learning how to weave and we all have looms to help us to do this.
In English this term, we are reading George's Marvellous Medicine by Roald Dahl. We did two different activities. One was 'Conscience Alley' and the other was 'Hot Seating'. George took a trip down Conscience Alley. On one side of the alley was the good guys who were telling George that he had to be good and on the other side there were the bad guys who were telling George to be bad. We had to think about how George would have felt when he was walking down the alley and how we thought we might feel if we had to do that walk. In hot seating, we had to ask George and Grandma lots of questions. Some were very interesting! We then had to think about if we would have answered any of the question differently. We really enjoyed these activities.
In science this term, our topic is Animals including Humans. We have been learning about how the digestive system works. We did a really fun experiment with Mrs Whittaker. We had a ziplock food bag, a piece of bread and some coca cola. We worked in groups and had to put the bread in a bag with some of the coca cola. We then took it in turns to squeeze the bread and watched to see what happened to it. This showed how the food we eat is broken down by the acids in our bodies. We recorded our findings in our science diaries.
In our computer lessons we have been learning about coding. We went outside and worked with a partner to give our 'robot' directions. We realised that we needed to give clear, precise instructions. We then used our knowledge into practice by using the 2code program on Purple Mash.
In English we have been looking at the book 'Here We Are' which has led us to explore space in our science lessons. We have learnt lots of new facts about the planets in our solar system and can now also order the planets correctly.
In our maths lessons, we have been learning about place value up to 4-digit numbers. We have used number lines, place value grids and number cards to order numbers correctly.
In our science lessons, we have been looking at solids, liquids and gases. We have been looking at different substances and investigating them. We have also carried out an experiment with cornflour and water and saw how after we mixed them both together, how it changed from a solid to a liquid. It got a bit messy on our desks but we had so much fun!
On Wednesday 13th October, we celebrated St Edward's Feast Day. We learnt about King Edward the Confessor and found out that he was cannonised (which means he became a Saint), 100 years after he died. Mrs Whittaker showed us lots of different images of King Edward and asked us to draw our own interpretations of him. She was really proud of the amazing art work that we produced.
Our new topic in maths is time. We have been learning about o'clock, quarter past, half past and quarter to. We will soon be learning about digital clocks.