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- Swimming - Year 5 21st January 2025
- KCC Road Safety workshop - Years R, 1 & 2 21st January 2025
Welcome back to the final term of the year. We hope you've all had an enjoyable break and good rest in preparation for the upcoming busy term.
Below is the class newsletter which includes important dates for the term and well as the learning we will be diving into.
Attached is the class homework for the term.
A busy start to the final term has enabled us to take part in lots of exciting things as we come to the end of the school year.
In English we have completed our narrative on Alfie's star where the children have written their own star narrative stories. We have now begun our writing based on the Tear Thief which the children are really enjoying.
In maths, we have completed our unit of work on time and the children have become more competent in telling the time to the hour, half hour, quarter of an hour as well as time to 5 minute intervals. The children are now enjoying reading, writing and interpreting different types of graphs, including using tally marks, tables, block graphs and pictograms.
Our Science topic of Living Things and their habitats has taken much of our learning outside in the hunt for living things and microhabitats. The children have enjoyed trying to find different habitats and what these are like.
At the beginning of the term we enjoyed a fun science investigation day where we could put our questioning skills to the test whilst carrying out a fun experiment involving colour. We loved finding out what all the other classes were up to.
We took part in a workshop from Captain Wonderweb and the Esteme Machine which enabled the children to find ways to help them tackle problems and how they can stay calm and keep positive in a fun and exciting play.
We are really enjoying our history topic of the history of aviation on Sheppey and we further developed our knowledge of the history of flight with an exciting workshop form the Big Fish Arts where we learned lots of history on aviation on Sheppey whilst also learning a song and taking part in some drama scenes.
In art we have taken much of our learning outside in our sculpting topic where we have used natural materials to create some wonderful sculptures based on Andy Goldworthy.
The children worked really hard in preparation for our class assembly all about stars. We found out lots of interesting information about stars, how we have linked many things to stars during our RE lessons and how we are all stars. The children all performed magnificently and did themselves and their parents proud.
In RE we have been learning about the work of the Apostles spreading the Good News and how the Holy Spirit can help us live our lives.
The children surpassed themselves at Sports Day. They performed their best, encouraged their team mates and above all enjoyed the afternoon of sports.
The children had an amazing morning on the day of the school fete, celebrating their attendance with fun on the bouncy castle. They then worked on their money making ideas to work out the profit they could make by selling the things that they had made at the school fete to consolidate the work on money and finance they have been learning this week.
We had a wonderful day on our school trip to Kent Life. The children were able to link their knowledge and learning in science when they saw lots of different animals in their habitats. We first discovered the many small animals before taking a tractor ride all around the park. After this we had a wonderful habitats workshop where we went on the hunt for animals and their habitats in sunny and shady areas. We then got hands on to build our own microhabitats using natural materials. We then took a walk along the nature trail to discover the owls, meercats and larger farm animals. Finally we ran off the rest of our energy in the play area before heading home. We all had an amazing fun packed day.
To finish off our topic all about flight on Sheppey, we had a creative and inventive afternoon where the children became the short brothers and the classroom was transformed into and aircraft building area. The children did an amazing job in creating their own aircrafts form suitable materials. We definitely have some budding engineers in the making!