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- Swimming - Year 5 11th February 2025
- Parent's evening 12th February 2025 at 15:30
Welcome to the first week of Term 3 and Happy New Year.
This term we are learning lots about animals in English, Science and Geography. We have learnt to identify animals, write about how they sound and how they move. We even acted as animals moving around to music making animals sounds.
In Maths, we have learnt to tell the time to o'clock - we can do this very well!
We learnt about Islam this week in RE finding out how Muslims pray. We designed prayer mats for muslims and used a prayer mat to model how Muslims pray.
This week we have learned about the hot continent in the Southern Hemisphere - Australasia! We used our learning in English to act out and write poems about Australasian animals.
Click the link below to watch us recite our poems.
In Maths we have been practising number bonds for 1 digit numbers. We did lots of practical learning to help us remember them.
In RE this term we are learning about families and celebrations. We drew pictures of our families and thought about what our family means to us. We talked about who is in our family and created a mind map.
On Monday this week we travelled by coach to the National Maritime Museum in Greenwich. We enjoyed visiting the capital city to revisit some of our Geography learning on the world and continents. We travelled across the seven continents on a giant map and explored the Polar Worlds and Pacific Explorers sections of the museum. We had a very busy day and were worn out by the time we left!
This week in English we have been learning the story Wombat Stew. We have learned to retell the story using a story map and now we are beginning to change the story to make our own version.
In Maths we have been learning about place value, we used place value counters to show the tens and the ones of numbers. We took our learning outside in Science to identify and classify animals - we learned the animal groups mammals, fish and birds.
We retold the story of The Presentation in RE by acting it out in groups. We were able to talk about what happened in this important Bible story.
In Art we have begun to make our own pieces of art inspired by the work of aborigines in Australasia, we will continue making them this term.
This week we became weather reporters in Geography and predicted the weather for the Australasian country of Australia. We learned about weather patterns across the enormous country.
In PE we have been learning to follow simple instructions and name things we are good at in dance. We were able to talk about good things our partners did too. We have been learning to put simple dance sequences together.
We also had a visit from the athlete Darran Challis this week and took part in a sponsored fitness circuit. He motivated us to try our best and inspired us with his motto, 'Never give up.' We worked hard to try and raise as much money as we could.
We have been busy working hard to create a display focusing on our prior learning of The Creation. We practised our art skill of sewing to make the animals for the display.
Today we raised money for the children's charity NSPCC by having a day dedicated to numbers! We met Buddy the charity's mascot to help us learn about speaking out to stay safe. We dressed up in numbers to raise awareness of the charity.
We used our school learning environment to practise our number skills and apply them in different ways. Learning activities in the morning included a Numicon cityscape, ribbon dancing to a number song, chalking numbers and number facts on the playground and in our outside area, painting to make doubles, and using ICT to splat 2 digit numbers.
In the afternoon we completed Buddy's challenge outside by answering questions and finding parts of the key to locate Buddy - we found him locked in the Maths cupboard of all places! We spent some time learning how numbers can make patterns and created patterns on a 100 square.
Browse through the photos below to see all the number fun we had!
In Science this week we investigated poo! We learned about carnivores, herbivores and omnivores and used our detective skills to find out which poo belonged to which kind of animal!
In Art we continued with our aboriginal textiles by adding some stitching detail to them, they are looking really effective.
In RE this week we have applied our knowledge of Jesus to things Jesus may have done with his family. We know we can learn lots more about Jesus from the Bible.
During this last week of term, we have learned lots about being safe online when we celebrated Safer Internet Day 2023 on Tuesday 7th February. We discusses all the fun things we can do online and how we can keep safe by asking for help when accessing the internet.
We were awarded our wristbands and certificates for the sponsored fitness event we took part in. Year 1 raised £233! An amazing total so thank you very much.
On the last day of term we celebrated all of our achievements and invited parents in to have a look at our work and our classroom environment. Thank you to everyone who has supported us this term.
We have created two wonderful displays this term to freshen up the school corridors. We focused on The Creation Story for our RE board by the hall and we have celebrated our learning in Term 3 along the main corridor. We hope you will visit us soon to see how amazing our work is.