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- Swimming - Year 5 28th January 2025
- Swimming - Year 5 4th February 2025
To finish term 4, we looked at the difference between adoration, Benediction and Mass. We held our own version of adoration by having an image of a Monstrance at the front of the class.
All term, we've been working on making a cushion with a European landmark on them. This week, we managed to finish them! We used blanket stitch to sew around the edges of our cushions, to hold the stuffing inside. We were really proud of our work - as were Mrs. Palmer, Mrs. Rowse and Mrs. Ware!
On Tuesday, we had Internet Safety Day. We wrote instructions for making a strong password as well as creating videos about what you should say online: if you wouldn't say it their face, don't say it online.
On Monday, we showcased all of our research on European countries by presenting what we had found to the class. We had to present all the information without reading from our posters - it was really hard!
A whole day! Full of numbers! We have have so much fun today for NSPCC Number Day 2022.
Even our lovely Bryn got involved i n Number Day, learning to count to 5, with each number representing a different action!
We started our number day with early morning number work of magic squares or sudoku.
For the magic squares, we had to work out what number each column, row and diagonal added up to and place the numbers to make it correct.
For the sudoku, we had to place each of the digits 1-6 or 1-9 in grids, ensuring that each row, column and box had only 1 of each digit in. We really struggled with the logic of this but we persevered and celebrated when we managed to finish one!
Next, we had fun completing the Buddy Key Challenge. Buddy, the magical speech bubble, had crash-landed and broken his key! We completed 10 mathematical problems in 23 minutes and 41 seconds to rebuild Buddy's key.
Another challenge we completed on Number Day was to measure our feet and hands and present the data in different ways, including tally charts, pictograms and scatter graphs.
We also took our number learning outside: we practiced turning by different amounts of degrees before guiding our partners across the playground using precise language and turning instructions.
To finish a busy number day, we had the choice to colour by number: these were very intricate patterns to reveal 3-D shapes that we will be continuing to finish during story time next week; or to create a matching pairs number game.
We were very excited this week: we began our journey, making our cushions! We had to transfer our designs from last week onto black felt as an outline, cut it out and sew it on to the front section of our cushion. Next week, we will be joining the front and back together.
We've had our level 2 training in Bikeability this week: the trainers have come in and taught us the necessary road safety skills to ride competently and correctly on our bicycles on the road. It took a lot of concentration but was really fun.
In Science this week, we learnt about evolution. To see how bird beaks have evolved, we conducted an experiment to find the best beak for different types of food. We made our own experiments and recorded our own results - coming to different conclusions each, which we enjoyed sharing with the class.
We've had some exciting visitors this week: the team from Bikeability! This is a training course especially designed for young people of our age where they teach us to ride safely and carefully. If we pass Level 1, which we've completed this week, we then progress to Level 2 which includes learning to ride safely on roads, thinking about how to share the road space with other road users.
In DT this week, we learnt that we are going to be making our own cushions, featuring European landmarks from the countries we've been researching about! We decided to design our cushions first so that we have thought about how to make them before we start creating next week.
In RE, this term, we are exploring Mass. Today, we started by putting Mass into the correct order and thinking about what happened in each section.
In DT (sewing), we learnt blanket stitch this week. This stitch is used to join two pieces of material together with a pretty-looking edge. We struggled a lot more with this one as there were a few different things to remember but we persevered and are beginning to master this new stitch.
In English this week, we've been trying some new editing tools: Spelling Windows. We found it really useful to use the window to frame each word and "read" our work backwards - this way, we weren't reading what we thought it said but what it actually said! This has really helped us to find and correct our own spelling mistakes.
Our Science this week led us to learning about adaptation: the way living things change, over a period of time, to suit their environment. We had to look at a variety of living things and find out how they had adapted to suit their environment - but Mrs. Rowse had accidentally put them in the wrong order, so we had to sort them out for her! Luckily, we were very clever and able to help out.
This week, year 6 gave a Liturgical Assembly for the school. We had great fun leading assembly and showing our understanding of the "Good Samaritan" story from Luke 10: 29 - 37.
In RE this week, we shared Luke's Gospel together, reminding ourselves of the story of Jesus Feeding the 5,000.
We had an exciting, but serious, visitor this week: a fireman! He came to talk to us about fire safety, especially in relation to charging electrical items and overloading plug sockets. We found this very informative and have helped our grown-ups identify potential hazards around our homes.
To build on our fantastic understanding of running stitch last week, we learnt a new stitch this week: back stitch! We found this one a lot harder to be precise but we are still really enjoying learning sewing skills.
In PE, we have been playing a game called "River Crossing": this involves us making sure we don't fall into the "river" whilst crossing on pieces of equipment. The catch is that we are working towards smaller pieces of equipment and less equipment than people in our group; this means we have to balance an awful lot! To help us, we practiced counter-balances with a partner, to see if we could move and keep our balance at the same time.
In Science we've been learning about inheritance and variation. To show how we all inherit different characteristics from our parents we investigated the variety within our classroom.
In Geography this week, we started learning about the continent of Europe. One of our tasks, which we found surprisingly difficult, was locating Europe on a world map - especially one that was American-centred.
We've been learning animal names in French this week. We learnt 6 animals then made Matching Pairs or Snap cards. By playing a game, we hope we will remember them more easily!
What a fun start to term 3 we've had! This term, we will be learning to sew. In order to do this, we had to learn to thread a needle, tie a knot in our thread and learn the basic running stitch. We learnt all of these amazing things this week!