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- St. Edward's Denominational Inspection Report: March 2020 8th April 2020
- When I can't get to Church 24th March 2020
Calendar Dates
- Swimming - Year 6 17th September 2024
- Y3 & Y4 Road Safety workshop 18th September 2024
In RE, we looked at 8 different Bible stories showing Jesus' compassion. We had to present them to the class, explaining the story, how it showed that Jesus was compassionate and what we could learn from it.
We had a really good time creating our final landscape art pictures this week.
Our PE lesson this week involved us putting into practise the throwing and catching skills we've been looking at in the game we've been working on all term: it is called "throw tennis". We found it really difficult to remember to let the ball bounce - but only once, or the other team won the point!
In science this week, we conducted an experiment to see if we could identify what changed our heart/pulse rate.
We discussed things that needed to be kept the same and things that needed to be changed so we could identify what altered our pulse.
In RE this week, we worked in groups to discuss and highlight the important parts of a piece of scripture. We also linked it to our topic of The Kingdom of God, by considering who in the piece accepted the invite to the kingdom and who did not.
On Wednesday of this week, it was St. Edward's Feast Day, meaning it was a day of thanks and celebration for St. Edward, who is our school saint. To celebrate this occasion, we researched and presented videos about St. Edward. Follow the link below to watch our videos.
We had great fun in science this week: we made videos showcasing everything we have learnt about how the circulatory system functions! Follow the link below to watch our videos.
... Preparing our presentation videos.
We had great fun this week: we went on a trip to Margate on the train! When we arrived, we went to a brand new train safety workshop space where we learnt about staying behind the yellow line on the platform, how heavy a train is (80 elephants!), how far it travels after the driver has pulled the emergency brake (20 football pitches!) and also about who is allowed to cross a level crossing when there is a train coming (no-one, not even the emergency services on blue lights!).
We also played a game to help us understand how easy it is to become distracted and not realise where the train is approaching from.
On our way to Margate, a very kind on-board manager allowed us to look in the driver's cab. We found this very exciting!
Rail enforcement officer Caroline met us at Sittingbourne and gave us a safety talk on the way.
We were very lucky that station manager Jo gave us packs to keep us occupied on our train journey. We received a booklet about Sheppey, a Pop-it, a game of Connect 4, some colouring crayons and a pencil. We were very excited to try them on our journeys.
Very excited children waiting on the platform at Sittingbourne for our train to Margate.
In science this week, we were started by piecing together a jigsaw: this told us that we were learning about the human heart! To help us, we drew it on the playground and then walked around the drawing as the blood would flow through it.
Year 6 went for an environment walk on Thursday, to see if there was anything they could write about in English. We noticed lots of rubbish thrown around and very few litter bins; we also saw graffiti and dog mess which we were disgusted with. We will now use this to help us write a letter complaining about it.
Wow! We had unexpected visitors in today's assembly! We had owls flying around our school hall as their carers told us all about them and how they fly and catch their food. It was really fascinating.
Year 6 have had a really fun science lesson today. Firstly, we looked at what was really in our blood. Did you know, it is made up of liquids and solids?
Next, we got to "make" blood by mixing together ingredients that represented the components of the blood. We had to shake to mix our ingredients to get them to look like our blood, showing that are blood is a mixture of all its components.
In RE today, we learnt about how the Kingdom of God was for everyone. To help us understand how parables related to us, we acted out "The Lost Sheep" (Luke 15: 4 - 6); "The Lost Coin" (Luke 15: 8 - 10); or "The Prodigal Son" (Luke 15: 11 - 32), thinking about who we were in each parable and how it related to our own lives.
Wow, we had a great assembly today, celebrating the harvest. We really enjoyed being involved in the assembly, reading out opening and closing prayers that we had written ourselves.
We learnt about coding in computing this week. Did you know that coding is just giving a set of detailed, precise instructions? We learnt that by guiding a "blindfolded" partner around the field, making sure they didn't bump into anything or anyone!
This week, we walked to our church for a communion service. Afterwards, we were really lucky that one of our parish catechists stayed behind to answer all of our questions about our church. We found it really interesting to know that the church was built in 1865 and has a boat-shaped roof to symbolise us being near the sea.
This week in RE, we began learning about the Kingdom of God. We learnt that it is inside all of us and that we can help it grow by showing the values of the kingdom. We then thought about which values we thought were most important and why.
For our landscape painting art today, we had to learn to sketch the scene before we could paint it. We learnt that there is so much more to wood and leaves - the shapes and textures are all different!
We didn't want to all paint the same landscape so we chose our own places to draw the same trees from, so that everyone's perspective was different.
This week, we've started looking at the circulatory system: the system in the body where the heart pumps blood around to give our muscles and cells the nutrients and water it needs. To start with, Mrs. Rowse challenged us to put the parts of the system in the correct place and to label them.
In art, we started looking at painting skills. We went outside to look at the trees and were amazed to see that there were so many more colours than just green and brown! Mrs. Issitt then tasked us with making those colours with paint - but we were only allowed to use red, yellow and blue!
For PE, we had great fun with racing.
This week, we have been learning about place value, using counters to help us.
During our first week back at school, we made new school year's resolutions and also learnt about our new class's saint, St. Mary.
Year 6 had great fun catching up with friends after the summer holidays.