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- St. Edward's Denominational Inspection Report: March 2020 8th April 2020
- When I can't get to Church 24th March 2020
Calendar Dates
- Swimming - Year 5 11th February 2025
- Parent's evening 12th February 2025 at 15:30
Term 2- How did Britain change from the end of the Iron Age to the end of Roman occupation?
This term, Year 4 will be learning about why the Romans invaded Britain and how the Roman Emperors influenced the Roman invasion. We will learn about how the Romans changed the landscape of Britain and the influences that they brought to society and how we live today. We will also research about how the Celts revolted against the Romans bringing about the retreat of the invaders from Britain.
Year 4 visited the Roman museum in Canterbury. We looked at the remains of a Roman house that been discovered below the streets of the modern-day city. The children made mosaics as well as looking at many artefacts that give us clues about how life was in the Roman times here in Kent.
This term, Year 4 are learning about Ancient Egypt. We will recognise other ancient civilisations and recognise when these happened across history. Interpreting a range of sources, we will reason and discuss ideas; understanding that archeologists have played an important part in enabling us to know more about this civilisation as well as its impact around the round. We will use enquiry-based learning to identify how the Egyptians were influenced by their gods. Identifying bias and contradiction, we will look at why (and how) the powerful Egyptians created a culture of slavery: considering its importance- and significance- in what they were able to achieve.
Term 6- How did King Henry's reign impact the people of Kent?
This term, we will learn about the rising of the Tudor monarchy and key events linked to this period across history. Using periodisation, we will learn about concurrent historical periods and acknowledge its influence on British history. We will speculate and summarise by asking and answering questions: considering King Henry VIII's impact upon the Church and changes to cathedrals and monasteries. Using Dawson's model, we will consider how significant Mary I and Elizabeth I were as well as how key historical events continue to impact our lives today. Pursuing a line of enquiry into an aspect of Tudor life, we will look at how the people of Kent were impacted by Henry VIII's reign.