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- Swimming - Year 5 28th January 2025
- Swimming - Year 5 4th February 2025
Welcome back to Year 1 after our Easter break. The first thing we noticed was our RE focal area is now white and gold to celebrate Eastertide.
We visited the church to celebrate Mass and then Father Aklilu let us explore the church to look for signs of Jesus.
We took part in lots of active learning this week. In English we are learning to write a narrative based on The Tiny Seed by Eric Carle. We made word adjective banks to describe the size of sunflowers.
In Maths we have been using Numicon and number lines to find odd and even numbers, and doubles.
In Science we explored the field to identify and observe the different plants we have growing in our school environment. We used our developing Art skills to draw some of these plants.
In Geography we are comparing Sheerness and New Zealand; we used our knowledge of compass points to help locate these place on a simple map.
In RE we have begun to learn more about the Resurrection by learning how we celebrate it at Easter. We were stewards of the earth as we put catholic social teaching into action by giving new life to something like Jesus gave us new life. We made coloured empty crosses out of old sweet wrappers. They look very beautiful on our classroom window.
In RHE we have been discussing our feelings and in Music we learned about how music can represent feelings and emotions. Click the link below to watch us using our bodies to make music.
This week we have begun to write our innovated narratives of 'The Tiny Seed' in English and in Maths we have been using number lines and hundred squares to add and subtract.
In Science we learnt about the 4 parts of a plant and went outside to find some roots. We 'visited' New Zealand to learn about the physical geography - we saw mountains, lakes and even a geyser!
In Computing this term we are learning to code and we started by giving and drawing instructions on the playground.
On Thursday we took part in the World Daily Mile - we walked round the playground for almost 25 minutes!
What a week this week has been! Even though we were in school for only four days this week, we have packed so much learning in! We have written our own narratives in English by innovating The Tiny Seed and we have been using our number knowledge to add and subtract in Maths.
We learned what plants need to grow in Science and have acted this out. Watch the Science videos below to find out more.
All week we have taken part in 'Balanceability' where we learned to balance on bikes, slalom and glide- we had lots of fun and received certificates at the end of the week for our efforts..
We finished the week celebrating King Charles III's coronation as a whole school. The weather was kind to us as we sang a coronation song to our grown ups, danced the Conga around the school field, followed by a street party on the playground with Union Jack bunting and lots of food! We finished off the celebrations by having fun on the school field with our friends and families.
Our learning this week has included multiplication in Maths where we have been using resources to find 'groups of' We have been learning about groups of 2s, 5s and 10s.
In Science we found out that plants need time to grow so we have planted sunflower seeds and will watch as they begin to grow this term. This has helped us in our English where we have learned what a recount is and we will be writing recounts about planting our seeds over the coming weeks.
In Geography we learned that some of our food travels over continents and seas to end upon our plate - did you know that our pineapples come all the way from South America?
In PE we have been practising our gymnastic skills performing pikes, straddles and tucks. Also this week we went on a treasure hunt in Music; we used our bodies and instruments to create sounds we might hear at the beach.
On Thursday this week we visited Sheerness High Street as part of our Geography learning. We wanted to find out where local people buy their fruit and vegetables - the greengrocers, a supermarket or somewhere else. We surveyed shoppers and recorded our results in a pictogram.
We then visited the greengrocers to investigate where the produce they sell comes from. We found out that the bananas come all the way from Colombia in South America, some apples come from New Zealand but the strawberries are grown locally in Kent. The greengrocer gave us some strawberries to enjoy back at school.
This week has seen so much more fantastic learning as we head towards the half term. In Maths we have learned how to divide by 2, 5 and 10 by grouping - we are beginning to get the hang of this! We have been learning about -ed words and have put them into sentences in English to help us write our recounts.
We used our Art sketching skills to draw animals adding texture to make them look more realistic and to show their emotions.
In Science we took our learning outside to investigate trees; we took bark and leaf rubbings from a silver birch and horse chestnut tree.
In RE this week we learned the about when Thomas doubted Jesus; we though about our beliefs and listened to some beliefs of others. We wrote our beliefs on tags and hung them on our Belief Tree.
For Mental Health Awareness week we thought about letting our emotions out through drawing and listened to the poem 'The Boy In Blue.' We drew pictures that popped into our heads when listening to the poem while remembering, 'The boy in blue is just like you.'
In the final week of this term, we have enjoyed learning about Time in Maths. We used clocks to tell the time to o'clock and half past.
We used all of our Art sketching skills to draw trees outside on the field. We created posters in Geography to encourage people to shop locally and think about their carbon footprint.
In RE we learned about The Ascension where Jesus returned to Heaven. We made Ascension cup so retell the story. Watch the video below and look at the photos to find out more.