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- When I can't get to Church 24th March 2020
Calendar Dates
- Swimming - Year 5 28th January 2025
- Swimming - Year 5 4th February 2025
This week has been full of festive cheer! We have been linking Christmas to our learning this week. We made salt dough decorations in Science, moving Christmas cards in DT, we made calendars and organised Father Christmas' presents in Maths. On Wednesday we enjoyed our annual Christmas jumper day and Christmas dinner. Thursday we enjoyed a pantomime performance of Sleeping Beauty and celebrated Mass in church on our last day of term.
Please enjoy the photos below of our last week of term.
Key Stage One Nativity Performance 2021
Year 1 and Year 2 had a fantastic time performing the joyful story of The Birth of Jesus. Take a look at the photos below and click on the link to watch our play.
As well as performing The Nativity this week, we have been very busy in our learning across the curriculum.
We went for a walk to the beach and wrote a recount in English, in Science we explored different types of paper flowers and what happens when we put them in water and in and in RE we shared the Good News by sending our friends a Christmas card.
In RE this week we have thought about the Birth of Jesus. We thought about the stable where Jesus was born and learned that He is a gift from God to all of us.
Why do we celebrate the Birth of Jesus?
In Science we played 'Odd One Out'. We had a rock, a piece of paper and some scissors and had to decide which one was the odd one out and why. We learned that no answer was wrong as long as we could give a reason for our decision.
We have also had a mischievous visitor in class this week - keep checking our page of the website to find out more over the next few weeks.
This week has been very busy beginning our Nativity practice and learning more about this wonderful story. In RE we focussed on why God chose Mary and Joseph to be the parents of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. This was followed by some Advent craft to support our understanding of this time of preparation when we get ready for the celebration of Jesus' birth.
We have continued our History learning, this time making moving pictures of burning houses during The Great Fire of London and in Science we investigated materials which could be used to make a window to help fix Mrs Blake's broken shed window!
Today we came to school in our pyjamas or own clothes to raise money for BBC Children in Need. Thank you for the donations.
We have been busy investigating this week! We have linked our Science, English and History learning about The Great Fire of London and we burned our houses down like the real fire! It was quite emotional. We have been investigating how to tackle the problem of water pollution and cleaned some dirty water. Finally in RE we have learned about the mystery of the Trinity - 3 persons in 1 God. We made signs to remind us and found signs of the Trinity in nature.
In English we have been learning the story of The Three Little Pigs and we wanted to find out which really was the best material to make a house from. We built straw, stick and brick houses then tested them to see which material was the strongest. In DT we carried our learning on by making mechanisms which showed the Big Bad Wolf going down the chimney and in RE we went outside to see God and hear God. We have been wondering about the universe and Heaven and thought of lots of questions.
How many stars are there?
How long does it take to get to Heaven?
In English this week we have been learning to retell the story of The Three Little Pigs and in Maths we have been learning how to find amounts of money and give change. Our History topic this term is The Great Fire of London and over the half term we made some houses from 1666 ready to burn this term at school! On Thursday we went on a materials hunt to look for everyday uses of materials. We learned about Guru Nanak this week when we studied Sikhism in RE and created giant portraits to show how special he is to Sikhs.
You may be aware of the COP26 summit which has been taking place to help nations agree on actions to tackle climate change. Pope Francis has also been talking about this so we would like to share a letter from the Pope which was written recently. It discusses the problems we face on Earth and how we can try to help fix them. The letter gives us hope for the future if we follow the teachings of the Bible and look after the wonderful world God has gifted us.
Below is a link for a video of the letter Pope Francis wrote to everyone on the planet.